



1.Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? All high school students should take the course of basic economics.

2.Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Because economic growth is so important for modern societies, economy growth should not be slowed down by concerns about environment.

3.Which ONE of the following actions do you think is most important for a country’s leader to take to ensure the prosperity and success of the country? Why?

-Creating jobs for unemployed workers.

-Improving agriculture and ensuring low food prices.


-Public transportation.


-Improving access to affordable housing.

4.In times of economic crisis, local governments often reduce the money they spend in some areas. In your opinion, if a local government is facing economic problems, which of the following areas should it spend less money on?


-Public transportation


5. In times of economic crisis, in which area should governments reduce its spending?


-Scientific research

-Parks and public gardens.

6.Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? For any business to be successful, it must spend a lot of money on advertising.

7.Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? It is important for the government to provide money for beautiful things and not just for practical things.

8.Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? It is more important for the government to spend more money on art and music museums than on facilities (like playgrounds, public swimming pool).

9.Which one do you think a government should spend the most money on: environment, employment, education?




一、 归纳出商业发展和经济发展的优缺点




‼️ 这里我们也再次提醒各位同学,托福写作不存在“正确答案”,不要觉得违背了大多数人的看法或者选择了看似“不道德”的一方观点就拿不到高分了。只要没有离题托福作为语言考试,主要还是考察同学们的学术写作能力










我们看到,即便题目在讨论的是整个“modern society”的经济发展,我们还是可以看到它对不同个体所带来的影响。所以同学们一定谨记,越是“大”的题目,在举例时越要“小”找到这些话题和我们日常生活的联系,找到社会发展对我们日常生活的影响。这样就不会觉得例子很难构思了。



❓Which ONE of the following actions do you think is most important for a country’s leader to take to ensure the prosperity and success of the country? Why?

-Creating jobs for unemployed workers(所选选项)

-Improving agriculture and ensuring low food prices.

-Improving access to affordable housing.


To begin with, the goal of all job creation strategies is to stimulate healthy economic growth which is a win-win situation for both the employees and the governments. In short, employment brings economic growth eventually.

If the government cannot create more jobs for people to earn money, it is meaningless to merely drop the price for living expenses. For example, the Great Recession in 2007 and its long-lasting impact caused inevitable damages to countless families. Parents who have jobs are working longer hours than ever. Mothers are taking shorter maternity leaves. The birth rate is on the decline. The divorce rate is also declining since it’s too expensive for people to break up their households. Family relationships had become strained. Under such circumstance, there is no meaning to ensure low food price or make houses more affordable.

本道题目讨论是国家的发展,而老师选择第一个选项的主要原因就是考虑到了经济发展对一个国家的繁荣来说是至关重要的。只有有了钱,food price和housing的问题在很大程度上也会得到缓解。例如2007年的环球金融危机对无数个家庭都带去了几乎毁灭性的打击。失去工作的人意味着没有了经济来源,而没有失去的人则需要拼命工作来保住这个机会。这种情况下,即便物价房价再便宜,大家也无福消受了。

