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1分钟前发布 -【require的用法】 09月27日讯: require的用法require有需要、要求、规定、命令的意思,一般有以下四种用法:1、require sth 需要,依靠These pets require a lot of care and attention.这些宠物需要悉心照顾。2、require sb to do sth 要求某人做某事At the beginning of the new term,all students will be required to take a short test.在新学期的开始,所有学生都要参加一次小测试。3、require doing sth 需要做某事This book is required reading for this course.这本书是这本课程的指定读物。4、require that + 从句 需要,要求在require引导的宾语从句中,谓语动词用“should +动词原形”,should可省略。The situation required that he (should) be present.这种情形需要他在场。
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狗的英语作文?Dogs are one of the most popular pets in the world. They are known for their loyalty, intelligence, and friendly nature. Dogs come in many different breeds, each with their own unique characteristics.One of the most popular breeds is the Labrador Retriever. They are known for their friendly and outgoing personalities, and are often used as service dogs. Another popular breed is the German Shepherd, which is known for their intelligence and loyalty. They are often used as police dogs or as guard dogs.Dogs are also great companions for people of all ages. They are known to reduce stress and anxiety, and can even help lower blood pressure. They are also great for families with children, as they are patient and protective.Taking care of a dog requires a lot of responsibility. They need to be fed, exercised, and given regular check-ups at the vet. They also need to be trained and socialized properly to ensure they are well-behaved and obedient.In conclusion, dogs are wonderful pets that bring joy and companionship to many people. They are loyal, intelligent, and friendly, and make great companions for people of all ages.
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by order of奉……之命双语例句Bewigged tragedy has a reason for its existence, and I am not one of those who, by order of AEschylus, contest its right to existence. 戴着假发上演的悲剧有它存在的理由,我不是一个那种以埃斯库罗斯的名义去反对它的存在权利的人。Sorting the derived dataset can easily accelerate the overall operation by an order of magnitude or more. 对派生的数据集进行排序可以轻松地使整个操作加速一个或几个数量级。Most software projects have requirements backlogs that are too big& often by an order of magnitude. 大多数软件项目都有庞大的需求积压&通常按照数量级进行排列。A wine professional might have arranged the wines by colour and then by ascending order of body or sweetness. 葡萄酒专业人士安排品尝顺序时通常会按照颜色进行区分,接着再按照酒体或甜度进行升序排序。By the order of the emperor buried it here. 金洪顺按照皇帝的命令埋在了这儿。When auxiliary heaters are turned on the chamber pressure may rise by an order of magnitude or more. 当辅助加热器接近燃烧室工作时,压强就可能上升一个数量级或更多。The factory is sold by order of the receiver. 按破产事务官的命令将工厂出售。No duplicate or copy of an adoption order or interim order shall be given to or served upon any person other than the Registrar of births and deaths or the applicant except by order of the judge. 除非法官另有命令,否则领养令或临时命令的复本或文本不得给予或送达除生死登记官或申请人以外的任何其它人。No parking on this side of the street, by order of the police. 遵照警察的命令,没有一辆汽车停在街的这一侧。The prisoner is removed by order of the court. 按法院命令转移囚犯。By order of his majesty, the king of spain. 我受高贵的西班牙国王的命令。Thus it is that Beijing Observatory built by order of the Ming Emperor, links contemporary research with the great scientific achievements of700 years ago. 这座由明帝命令建筑的北京天文台无形中成了桥梁,延续七百年前元代天文学成就与当代西方的科学研究。The seats were be distributed by order of email receiving. 座位并不是按照邮件收到的顺序排列的。I'm here by order of the general. 我是奉将军的命令到这里来的。By order of Comrade stalin, no civilian can leave the city. 根据斯大林同志的命令,任何平民都不许离开这个城市!In the last year speed has been increased by an order of magnitude and a JIT compiler has been enabled. 在过去的一年中,运行速度已经得到了数量级的提升,并且JIT编译器已经实现。Sign warning of quicksand: Quicksand. Any person passing this point will be drowned. By order of the district council. 流沙警告:任何人经过此处可能按区委会命令淹死。The seats were be distributed by order of email receiving after the first payment. 在第一次付款之后,座位并不是按照邮件收到的先后次序排列的。The Theoretical and Empirical Analysis of Exchange Rate Determined and Effected by Order Flow of Foreign Exchange Market 外汇市场的定单流决定和影响汇率的理论与实证分析The laws of France were codified from 1804 to 1810 by order of Napoleon I. 法国法典系受拿破仑一世之命自1804至1810年编成。A good framework can reduce the cost of developing an application by an order of magnitude. 一个好的框架可大大降低应用系统的开发成本。Made by the order of the board of the company, the directors of which collectively and individually accept responsibility for the accuracy of this announcement. 本公布乃承本公司董事会之命而作出,各董事共同及个别地对本公布之准确性承担责任。If either the size limit or time limit is reached, messages will be removed from the transport dumpster queue by order of first in, first out. 如果达到了大小限制或时间限制,将按照先进先出顺序从传输转储程序队列中删除邮件。The slope of attenuation is determined by the order of the filter. 衰减的斜率是由滤波器的阶数所决定的。Their houses were immaculately neat and tidy, with no pets allowed by order of denis. 他们的家打扫得干干净净,布置得有条有理。丹尼斯还规定家里不准养任何爱畜。It was appraised by order of the court. 它是法院强制估价。Silence the marquis, or Charenton will be shut down by order of the emperor. 让侯爵安静下来,否则皇上会下令关闭查宁顿。The documents were burned by order of the king. 奉国王之命,这些文件被烧毁了。A modern sleeping beauty was held in imprisonment by order of her husband. 一位现代睡美人在其丈夫的命令下遭囚禁。A door was swung open by order of the judge and three Indian priests entered. 法官命令一下,于是一个小门开了,三个僧侣跟着一个法警走了进来。
8 评论


英语介绍小兔子三句话?当然,这是一个简单的英语介绍关于小兔子的三句话:"Rabbits are cute and cuddly animals with soft fur and long ears, making them a popular choice for pets."这句话描述了小兔子的外貌特点,它们的毛发柔软,耳朵长长,看起来非常可爱,因此成为了许多人喜欢的宠物。"Rabbits are herbivores, preferring to eat fruits, vegetables, and grasses, ensuring a healthy and balanced diet."这句话介绍了小兔子的饮食习惯,它们是草食动物,喜欢吃水果、蔬菜和草,这有助于它们保持健康和平衡的饮食。"Rabbits are social creatures, preferring to live in groups and requiring plenty of attention and care from their owners."这句话强调了小兔子的社交性,它们喜欢生活在群体中,需要主人的关注和照顾,因此,作为宠物养兔子需要付出一定的时间和精力。
76 评论


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