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1分钟前发布 -【商务英语BEC高级阅读题精讲(19)】http://www.sdrsks.org/ask 09月27日讯: 商务英语BEC高级阅读题精讲(19)Questions 1 – 8Look at the sentences below and at the five managers’ comments on leadership on the opposite pageWhich new item (A, B, C ,D or E) dose each statement 1 – 8 refer to ?For each statement ! – 8 , make one letter(A, B, C ,D or E) on your Answer Sheet .You will need to use some of these letters more than once .Example :0 Someone has left a competitor to join this company.0 A B C D E1 Successful leadership involves making sure that employees accept new ideas.2 A good leader can bring success to a company in difficulties3 Leaders should be assessed on the basis of their achievements4 The personalities of good leaders are generally different from those of other managers5 Patience is a valuable quality in a successful leader6 Leaders consider potential changes in what their company does for others7 Good leaders will encourage their staff if their organization is in difficulties8 Leaders need to adapt their behaviour to suit different circumstancesA  Maurizio VernaLong-term, visionary business leaders must be prepared to invest to get what they want for their company. They know when and how to apply pressure and to take risks, when they need to display a more hands-off approach. I have a pretty clear view of my ideal business leader, and of course that’s where I ‘m trying to head: he or she should start up and grow a cash-rich, multi-interest international organization of tremendous strength and depth.B  Sue TuckerThe pace of technological change, and the rate at which businesses are changing , requires leaders to have a particular aptitude for technology and an understanding of the internet. A lot of people are aware of the opportunities here ,but awareness alone isn’t enough: in a true leader this needs to be coupled with clever marketing, product design and technological innovation, and keeping abreast of everything going on in the company. In fact the acid test , I think , is being able to use all of these skills to turn around a failing company.C  Carol GodfreyEffective leaders stand out from the herd. They’re often idiosyncratic, even eccentric.They have the confidence to be themselves, and not to adopt the language and attributes of the run-of-the-mill professional managers and accountants. What’s crucial is having the charisma or whatever it is that gives their staff confidence in them, so they can keep everyone on board when they want to make innovations. So often these don’t get off the ground because of lack of leadership, because after all, our response to change is significantly affected by how it’s introduced.D  Brian MatthewsLeadership is about making things happen and being judged by results. Good ideas that go nowhere are a waste of time. Anticipate needs-those of customers for instance-and initiate action to meet those needs before the people concerned have even recognized they’ve got them. That way you’ll always be ahead of the game, whatever line you’re in. For instance, top stockbrokers will learn all about you and your business and keep themselves completely up to date with your field in order to advise you. If they’re really good they ‘ll recognize trends even before you do .E Ana CostaOutstanding leaders understand both tactics and strategy, and are prepared to play a very long game to achieve their objectives. They understand that in negotiations they need the “ win-win” concept, because losers risk losing their dignity, which is no good for your long-term business relationship with them. Leaders must stay optimistic, whatever the odds, and keep up morale of their company, even when the going’s tough. It’s important to be very much hands-on, too. A good leader will champion ideas that keep the company in the forefront.参考答案: 1-5 C B D C E  6-8 E A
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商务英语BEC的三个字母分别代表什么?教育部考试中心和英国剑桥大学考试委员会合作,于1993年起举办商务英语证书考试。该系列考试是一项水平考试,根据商务工作的实际需要,对考生在商务和一般生活环境下使用英语的能力从听说读写四个方面进行全面考查,对成绩及格者提供由英国剑桥大学考试委员会颁发的标准统一的成绩证书。BEC共分三个等级:BEC初级(BEC Preliminary Level,缩略为BEC Pre.),BEC中级(BEC Vantage Level,缩略为BEC Van.),BEC高级(BEC Higher Level,缩略为BEC Hi.)。考生可根据自己的英语水平自由选择相应级别报考。考试分两个阶段进行。第一阶段为笔试,包括阅读、写作和听力,第二阶段为口试。考试时间分别为:BEC初级阅读、写作90分钟,听力约40分钟(含填写答题卡时间),口试12分钟;BEC中级阅读60分钟、写作45分钟、听力约40分钟(含填写答题卡时间)、口试14分钟;BEC高级阅读60分钟、写作70分钟、听力约40分钟(含填写答题卡时间)、口试16分钟。报名无开始时间,即任何时间都可以报名。有截止时间:上半年报名截止时间为三月十日;下半年报名截止时间为九月十五日。报名截止时间每年会有几日的变化,以考点公布的为准。欲了解各考点的具体报名事宜,可与各考点联系。报名不受年龄、性别、职业、地区、学历等限制,任何人(包括学生、待业人员等)均可持本人身份证件到当地考点报名。在华工作的外籍人员和现役军人亦可持本人有效身份证件报名参加考试。报名每次收取考试费(含口试费)BEC初级:289.40元人民币(包括按人民币汇率折算的18美元);BEC中级:372.60元人民币(包括按人民币汇率折算的22美元);BEC高级:488.90元人民币(包括按汇率折算的33美元)。因人民币汇率可能变化,每次考试收费标准以考点公布的为准。考生在报名后可得到一本内容包括考试范围、考试题型的《考生手册》,供考生参照复习每年五月的第三周六(BEC高级),第四周六(BEC初级),六月第一周六(BEC中级);每年十一月第四周六(BEC高级),十二月第一周六(BEC初级),第二周六(BEC中级)。上午笔试,下午口试,口试进度慢的,延至第二日上午。如考试时间有变化,以考点当年公布的为准。考试地点即报名地点,具体考场由各考点张榜公布。考试答题卡由教育部考试中心海外考试处汇集后寄英国剑桥大学考试委员会评卷。评出成绩后(BEC初级分Pass with merit、Pass、N、F四等;BEC中级分A、B、C、N、F五等;BEC高级分A、B、C、N、F五等,),打印成绩通知单(包括不及格的N、F、)和成绩证书,寄至教育部考试中心后寄发各考点向考生颁发。成绩证书终生有效。成绩也有可能给出pending(未决的,待定的),然后没有后续。2019年剑桥商务英语(BEC)考试时间经教育部考试中心与英国剑桥大学考试委员会协商,2019年剑桥商务英语(BEC)考试时间现已确定(详见下表):项目名称上半年日期下半年日期BEC初级5月17日11月15日BEC中级5月31日11月29日BEC高级5月24日11月22日上半年报名截止时间为3月17日;下半年报名截止时间为9月17日,考生可持本人有效身份证件及报名费于报名截止日之前到考点报名。关于报名的水平要求, 你可以根据自己的水平直接报考你合适的级别:PET3-CET4的470分 初级CET4的480--CET6 570 中级CET6的570分以上 高级
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英语专业可以考哪些证?1、托业考试TOEIC托业的英文是TOEIC,即“国际交流英语考试”旨在对对在国际工作环境中使用英语交流的人们而指定的英语能力测评。由于托业考试只用做衡量一个人的英语能力,因而并没有及格和不及格之分。2、剑桥商务英语BECBEC 是外企的通行证,想进外企的朋友,考这个证书就是为简历添砖加瓦。BEC 是根据外企商务工作的实际需要,对人员进行的一次听、说、读、写的考察。3、CATTI全国翻译专业资格考试CATTI 是对参试人员口译或笔译方面的双语互译能力和水平的认定,分为三个等级:三级,外语专业本科毕业、具备1年左右口笔译实践经验;二级,外语专业本科毕业,并具备3-5年的翻译实践经验;一级,具备8-10年的翻译实践经验,是某语种双语互译方面的行家。4、上海外语口译证书考试上海外语口译证书在长三角地区的企业拥有较高的认知度(上海市紧缺人才培训工程的高层项目之一)。比CATTI更简单、易上手,想从事外贸、酒店、旅游等相关工作的同学可以考这个证书。
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