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1分钟前发布 -【sittingseatingseatedsat的区别?】 09月25日讯: sittingseatingseatedsat的区别?如果需要用V-ing 就选择sitting 毕竟它的原形就是Sit seating 后面可以加S 表座位,是个名词 seated 就不说了 是个形容词 Sat 是 sit 的过去式和过去分词
33 评论


onatin的用法区别?表示时间的区别:  at指时间表示:  1)时间的一点,一时刻:  They come home at surprise (at noon, at     midnight, at ten o’clock, at daybreak, at dawn).  2) 较短的一段时间。可指某个节日或认为一年中标志大事的日子。 His grandfather died at seventy-two.  At the beginning (middle, end) of that month he was sick.  He went home at Christmas (at New Year, at the spring Festival, at night, at midsummer).   in指时间表示:  1)在某个较长的时间(如世纪,朝代,年,月,季节,及泛指的上午,下午和晚上等)内。 He died in the holidays.  He was born in 1942.   2) 在一段时间之后。  He will come round in a day or two. I will finish it in three hours.   on指时间表示:  1)具体的时日和一个特定的时间,如某日,某节日,星期几等。 He will come to meet us on our arrival.  On May 4th (On Sunday, On New Year’s day, On Christmas Day), there will be a celebration.  2) 在某个特定的早晨,下午或晚上。  He arrived at 10 o’clock on the night of the 5th. He died on the eve of victory. 3) 准时,按时。  If the rain should be on time, I should reach home before dark. 表示地点的区别  in 表示地点  1) in 表示比较大的地方,2)虽然是很小的地方,如果说话人住在那里,也可用,机关,学校等,若看作一个地点(point)用at,若看作一个场所(place)用in.  I met him at the post-office.  I’m now working in the post-office.   On表示地点一般指与面或线接触: 1)“在…上面” He put the book on the table and sat on the chair. The picture was hanging on the wall. 2) “在…… 旁边”  New work is on the Hudson River. Xiamen is on the river.  He lives in a house on the river.  1). near, by, beside, at表示“在•••••••附近”的区别: near 表示相对的“近”,实际距离可能还很远。例如: There is a post office near our school. Suzhou is near Shanghai.  By和beside都表示“靠近”,实际距离不可能很远,但beside比by更具体的表示出“在•••••••旁边”的意思。 例如:  There is a big tree by the river. He was sitting beside her.  by还可以表示“尺寸,距离”。例如: They escaped death by inches.  Do you see the hole high up in the wall, about 18 cm by 9?
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戴维的诗?戴维·坎贝尔:诗二首戴维·坎贝尔(Davld Campbell,1915~1979),澳大利亚著名诗人。青少年时在农场度过,18岁时去剑桥大学攻读历史,后改学文学。有诗集《与太阳对话》、《马利恩山的奇迹》、《诗集》、《魔鬼的岩石及其他诗歌:1970~1972》等10余部,另有短篇小说集两本。1975年获怀特文学奖。坎贝尔的诗意象贴切,语言简练,抒情性强;既有本土的民谣民歌传统,又有英国诗歌精巧的艺术;质朴的气质中弥漫着隽永的意味,善于在特定的空间、情景或境遇中表现传统的绵延或时代的大爱。牧人太阳没于夏日草丛,桉树是扭曲的钢铁;牧人在树荫下蹲坐稍歇,一只臂上缰绳牵绕一只手里卷着烟草。马儿静立,牧牛犬在树阴里吐着舌头,平原上有那么一刻时光在将他们仨等候,牧人舔了舔卷烟时光收起太阳的行囊。我望着牧人上马骑行,穿过平原上的蜃市;那永恒的一刻仍然带给我新的漪漪游思;仿佛透过变形的云气看到他孙子就坐在那里。哈里·皮尔斯我坐在红色畜道旁嚼一片苦味的草叶看见平原上的蜃景里面拉过一架牛车。是老哈里·皮尔斯和他的役畜。这些飞虫可不行,我冲他咕噜。领头牛挨了他的鞭,真开心听老哈里诅咒,火辣正午,小公牛们仿佛云中漫步。飘行琥珀色空中,它们拉着羊毛去冈达盖镇。穿越时光和平原,老人腾云驾雾,在我脑中漫游多年;如今就在那里借宿。当时光在我们身上一切遂愿也许他还要将他的牲口驱赶。The Stockman The sun was in the summer grass,the Coolibahs were twisted steel;the stockman paused beneath their shadeand sat upon his heel,and with the reins looped through his armhe rolled tobacco in his palm.His horse stood still, His cattle-dogtongued in the shadow of the tree,and for a moment on the plainTime waited for the three,and then the stockman licked his fagand Time took up his solar swag.I saw the stockman mount and ride,across the mirage on the plain;and still that timeless moment broughtfresh ripples to my brain;it seemed in that distorting airI saw his grandson sitting there. Harry PearceI sat beside the red stock routeand chewed a blade of bitter grassand saw in mirage on the plaina bullock wagon pass.Old Harry Pearce was with his team."The flies are bad," I said to him.The leaders felt his whip, It didme good to hear old Harry swear,and in the heat of noon it seemedhis bullocks walked on air.Suspended in the amber skythey hauled the wool to Gundagai.He walked in Time across the plain,and old man walking on the air,for years he wandered in my brain;and now he lodges there.And he may drive his cattle stillwhen Time with us had had his will.
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坐的过去式英文?sit 的过去式:sat过去分词:sat或 sitten现在分词:sitting 词组短语sit down 坐下;扎营sit on 开庭审理;成为…的一员;旁听;列席sit in 列席,旁听;参加;代理sit at 坐在…旁边sit back 休息;不采取行动sitting pretty 处于极有利的位置;过着舒服的生活sit tight 稳坐不动;坚持主张;静待事态的发展sit by 坐视不管,无动于衷sit around 无所事事sit still 安静地坐着sit up 熬夜;端坐sit with 临时替人照看sit for 参加,坐着sit quietly 静静地坐着sit under 听…讲授;听…说教sit out 坐在户外;袖手旁观;耐着性子看完或听完sit through v. 一直挺到结束;耐着性子看完sit over 坐过去一点;[桥]坐在…的上手sit down on 反对sit in on 列席;旁听例句:1、He sat alone in his room after the battle, mourning over the loss of his best friend. 这场战役打完后,他独自坐在屋里,哀悼好友的牺牲。2、I sat down beside him and rested my head on his shoulder. 我在他身边坐了下来把头靠在他的肩膀上。3、My manager at the time sat down with me and instilled in me the importance of really understanding your customers.我当时的经理坐下来和我娓娓而谈,向我灌输这样的观念:真正地了解顾客,这是最重要的。
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