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1分钟前发布 -【BEC商务英语活学活用:与同事周末去玩】http://www.sdrsks.org/ask 09月25日讯: BEC商务英语活学活用:与同事周末去玩Ⅰ.核心学习:Weekend away with Colleagues 与同事周末去玩Steve: I am so tired of the city life.史蒂夫:我很厌倦城市生活。Mike: Do you mean all the long hours at work as well as the noise and bustle of the big smoke?迈克: 你是指工作时间很长以及嘈杂的声音和飞驰的浓烟?Steve: Got it in one my friend.史蒂夫:没错,我的朋友。Mike: How about we suggest that we all go away for a company outing to somewhererural?迈克: 我们建议公司里所有的人去乡下某个地方玩玩,怎么样?Steve: That sounds like an interesting idea. Where could we go?史蒂夫:这想法听起来很有意思。我们可以去哪?Mike: Well we live in this huge city, so how about we go somewhere that is the complete opposite?迈克:嗯,我们住在大城市里,因此我们要去一个截然不同的地方,怎么样?Steve: Do you mean somewhere in the countryside?史蒂夫:你是指农村?Mike: Yep - let's find a small village and spend the weekend away.迈克:没错―我们去找一个小村子,然后在那里度周末。Steve: Cool! And it will be even better if we can convince the taskmaster to pay the bill!史蒂夫:酷!如果我们能说服头儿掏钱,那就更好了!Ⅱ.单词简析1) Bustle: moving quickly飞奔:快速移动ex:Sometimes the hustle and bustle of the city just gets me down, so I escape to somewhere slower and quieter.有时候城里熙熙攘攘的景象让我觉得很沮丧,所以我要逃到一个节奏慢点、安静点的地方。2) Outing: a trip away外出:旅行ex:One of the best ways to refresh yourself is to have an outing somewhere completely different.恢复精力最好的方法之一是到一个截然不同的地方旅行。3) Rural: the opposite of urban, the countryside乡间:城市的反面,农村ex:The majority of Chinese people live in rural areas and not in big cities.大多数的中国人生活在农村而不是大城市。4) Taskmaster: your boss, the person who tell you what to do头儿:你的老板ex:I can't go out for a beer tonight because my taskmaster wants me to finish an important report.今晚我不能去喝啤酒,因为我的上司想让我完成一份重要报告。Ⅲ.课文篇It's funny really - you spend more time with the people you work with than you do with your family and friends, but who can say that they really know the people they work with well?真的很有意思―你和与你一起工作的人度过的时间要多于你和家人与朋友。可是谁能说他们很了解那些和他们一起工作的人呢?The reality is that you usually only get to see one side of a person at work. The need for people to act professionally at work and the management structures means that you don't always get to see the true personality of your colleagues and bosses.事实上你通常只看到一个人工作的一面。在工作和管理中人们需要表现得很职业,这就意味这你不总能看到你的同事和老板的真实性格。A great way to fix this and really learn about the people you work with is to have an outing. A successful outing should be away from the office and in an environment that is different from the usual office scene.解决此问题并要真正了解与你一起工作的人的一个好方法就是外出旅游。旅游要成功,就要选择一个远离办公室,并且与一般办公室氛围不同的地方。To ensure that everyone has a good time, here are some simple points to follow:为了确保每个人都玩得开心,要遵循以下几个小方面。Yes. When your client steps out of the car, he or she will be on the curbside and therefore won't have to deal with getting out in traffic or sliding across the seat.正确。当你的客户下车时,他/她就会站在路边,因此就不必担心往来车辆或者挪位置下车了。There should be no hierarchy for the whole trip. In simple terms this means that everyone is equal for the time of the trip. The boss is equal to the staff for a few days! This will help everyone to relax and show their true personalities.* 整个旅程不应有等级之分。简而言之就是说在旅途中每个人都是平等的。有几天时间老板和员工是平等的!这有助于让每个人放松,表现他们真实的个性。You should remember that different people like to do different things and try to organize activities that cater to everyone. For example, some people might like to get up early and watch the sun rise but others want to sleep.* 你应该记住不同的人喜欢做不同的事,要设法组织符合每个人口味的活动。例如,有些人可能喜欢早起看日出,而其他人却想睡觉。Make sure that meal times are when the group is all together. Having breakfast, lunch and dinner together can be a great way to help develop your team into a really close group.* 确保人齐了以后再吃饭。在一起吃早餐、中餐和晚餐是帮助整个小组的关系变得真正亲密的一种好方式。The most important thing to make the weekend away is to ensure that you create a different atmosphere from the office. Make a rule that no one should take their mobile phones, laptops or any work with them. It would also help to ask people to talk about subjects other than work and to hang out with people that they don't usually get close to in the office.* 周末旅游最重要的一点是要确保你创造一个与办公室不同的氛围。订一条规则,每个人都不要带上手机、笔记本电脑或者工作。谈论工作之外的话题或与平时在办公室里不太接近的人一起玩也有所帮助。Remember - the idea is to have fun and get to know your colleagues better!* 记住―目的是为了玩得开心,同时更多了解你的同事!Ⅳ.对话篇Beth: How did you enjoy the weekend in the countryside Sally?贝丝:在乡下的周末过得愉快吗,莎莉?Sally: I had a great time. The fresh air, the peace and quiet and I got to know many new people.莎莉:我玩得很开心。空气清新、心情平静、环境安宁,而且我认识了很多新人。Beth: Why do you say that the people you work with are 'new' people?贝丝:你为什么说和你一起工作的人是“新”人?Sally: Because at work I only saw their professional business image. On the outing I saw their fun side.莎莉:因为在单位我只看到他们职业化的工作形象。在外面玩的时候我看到了他们有趣的一面。Beth: Do you think that the weekend away made the team more productive?贝丝:你认为周末旅游能提高团队的效率吗?Sally: I really did think so. I got to know everyone so much better so that our communication will be smoother.莎莉:我确实这么认为。我多了解了每个人,这样我们的交流就更容易了。Beth: I hope that I can go in the next outing!贝丝:我希望下一次旅行我能去!Sally: Hmmm - I'm not sure that I really want to see your fun side Beth!莎莉:嗯―我不知道我是否真的想看到你有趣的一面,贝丝!
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英语等级考试含金量最高的?考试如下:1、 英语四六级,一年两次,时间分别是6月和12月底。考试范围通常是口试和笔考。一般考425分算过关,就能拿到证书;2、 教育部和北外举办的翻译考试,分口译和笔译,一年举行两次,共有四个等级,四级是最基础的,随之三级二级难度越来越大。对做外贸和一般的文字翻译都大有裨益;3、 BEC商务英语考试。这个考试是英国剑桥大学举办的考试。分初、中、高三级。BEC的考试分笔译和口译。笔试听力部分很快,口译是随机的两个考试的人,通常是两个考生对着两个老师,抽一个话题,然后进行问答式的对话;4、 PETS考试,跟四六级差不多,但是费用比四六级高。沿海比较实用;5、 上海翻译考试,想在上海或者江浙一带就职,可以尝试考此证书;6、 很多成人英语方面的考试,根据自己的岗位和实际情况而定。
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BEC商务英语活学活用:要求加薪的技巧 还有分享下经验行么? 在线等!Ⅰ.核心学习:要求加薪的技巧 Billy: How is your new position at the company? 比利:你在公司的新职位怎么样? Michael: Same old, same old. How about you? 迈克尔:老样子,没什么变化。你呢? Billy: I’m A-Ok. I heard that you are applying for a raise. You really deserve it. 比利:我很好。我听说你要申请加薪,你确实应该加薪。 Michael: I guess so, but I am nervous. 迈克尔:我也这么想,可是我有点紧张。 Billy: Why are you nervous, you are a hard worker and the staff members all like you, right? 比利:为什么紧张,你很努力,大家也都很喜欢你,不是吗? Michael: That is correct, but I am afraid to talk with the manager. I never know how to ask for a raise. 迈克尔:没错,可我害怕跟经理说,我不知道怎么要求加薪。 Billy: No problem, I will help you practice. I will give you self-confidence. 比利:没问题,我帮你示范一下,你会有自信的。 Michael: You would do that for me? You are A-OK. 迈克尔:你愿意帮我?你真棒。 Billy: I will make you a shoe-in for the raise. 比利:我保证你能得到加薪。 Ⅱ.单词简析 1) A-OK : fine, great (spoken English only) 很好,了不起 ex:I hope everything is A-OK with Tom. He is late. 汤姆迟到了,我希望他没事。 2) A shoe-in : must win, best candidate 最佳人选 ex:You are a shoe-in for the job. 你是这工作的最佳人选。 3) Promotion : getting a higher station 升职 ex:Great news, I got the promotion. Now I am a senior account manager. 好消息,我升职了,现在我是高级客户经理。 4) Persuade : change one’s mind, talk into 劝说 ex:After a lot of talking, my wife persuaded me to get a new job. 经过再三劝说,妻子说服了我去找一份新工作。 5) Superior : one higher than you, your boss 上司 ex:I must give a report to my superiors this afternoon. 今天下午我必须向上司汇报。 6) Worthy : able, valuable 值得的 Tom is worthy an award for his high score on the test. 汤姆应该为他的考试高分得到奖励。
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BEC商务英语听力高频短语(一)1.a change of pace 节奏变换You can’t do these chemistry experiments all daylong. You certainly need a change of pace.2. a far cry from 相距甚远The published book is far cry from the earlymanuscript.3. and how 的确A: She’s a good dancer.B: and how.4. a matter of time 时间问题It is only a matter of time.5. a phone call away 一个电话之远,愿意过来帮忙。If you need my help. do let me know. Just remember I am a phone call away.6. a while back 不久以前7.all along 一直I knew it all along.8. anything but 绝对不I was anything but happy about going.9. account for 解释How do you account for it?10. after all 到底A: I’ve just seen the X-rays and your teeth look just fine.B: I see. Then there is nothing to worry about after all.11. allergic to 对……过敏Oh man! Something in this room is making my eyes itch, I must be allergic to something.12. at sb’s service 愿为某人服务I am at your service at any time.13. around the clock 24小时不停Martha studied around the clock for management exam.14. as far as I know 就我所知15,at home with 对…..很熟悉She is at home with problems like this.16. back out1) 退出A: Wasn’t Bert supposed to sing tonight?B: Yes. but he backed out at last minute2)不履行She finally backed out of her promise.17. be cut out for 天生适合I’m not cut out to be a hero.18. be absorbed inShe has been absorbed in a horror fiction. I can’t tear her away.19. be addicted to 对……上瘾She has been addicted to drugs for years.20. be attached to 对……有感情A: I’m amazed that you are still driving that old car of yours. I thought you would havegotten rid of it years ago.B: It runs well and I’ve actually been quite attached to it.
49 评论


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