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1分钟前发布 -【BEC初级口语词汇详解(3)】http://www.sdrsks.org/ask 09月24日讯: BEC初级口语词汇详解(3)1.built-in adj.内置的,嵌入的;必要的;固有的 n.内置【商务用语】a built-in escape clause 必要性的免责条款2.bulky adj.大的,笨重的【商务用语】a bulky cargo 体积庞大的货物bulky goods 笨重货物bulky product 笨重的商品bulky parcel 大体积包裹3.bundle n.捆扎装 vt.捆,束【商务用语】bundle carrier 禾捆积运器bundle loader 禾运装卸机4.burglar n.夜贼【相关词组】burglar alarm 防盗警报器5.buyout n.全部收买;全部买下(市上产品)【例句】If the workers do approve the buyout, their company will become the nation's largest employee-owned enterprise.6.cable n.电缆;海底电报【商务用语】cable address 电报挂号cable advice 电报通知【例句】We have already advised you by cable.我们已去电通知你方。7.cafeteria n.自助餐厅【例句】This cafeteria serves good honest food.这家食堂供应的饭菜品质优良,价格公道。8.cannibalize v.拆用配件;调补人员【例句】It becomes necessary to cannibalize unsuccessful projects to fund those which can proceed.当务之急是将不成功项目中的资金抽调出来以支持那些可行项目。9.canvass vi.招徕顾客【商务用语】canvass for subscriptions 招徕订货10.capital n.资本,资金,资产【商务用语】 accumulated capital 积累的资本active capital 流动资本actual capital 现实资本additional paid-in capital 附加实缴股本【例句】The Smith Company has a capital of $30,000.斯公司有$30.000的资产
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BEC初级口语词汇详解(10)1.consular adj.领事的【商务用语】consular agent 领事代办   consular jurisdiction 领事裁判权   consular fee 签证手续费   consular invoice 领事发票  2.consultation n.请教,咨询  【商务用语】consultation machinery 协商机构   consultation service 咨询处  3.consumable adj.可消费的 n.消费品  【商务用语】consumable energy 可供消耗的能源   consumable ledger 消耗品总账  4.consume vt.消耗,消费  【商务用语】consumed accounts 消费账   consumed cost 耗用成本   consumed power 耗用功率  5.container n.集装箱,货柜  【商务用语】loaded container 已装货集装箱,实货柜   bulk cargo container 散装货柜   container shipping 集装箱运输   auto container 汽车集装箱  6.contaminate vt.污染  【例句】The waste from this factory contaminates the water in the river.   来自这家工厂的废物污染河水。  7.contingency n.意外事故  【商务用语】contingency fund 应急费用   assessments contingency 资产估价中的意外损失   claims contingency 产权要求中的意外损益   contingency measure 应变措施  8.contingent adj.可能发生的;暂时的  【商务用语】contingent fund 应急费用   contingent fee 成功酬金   contingent annuity 临时年金   contingent cost 临时成本  9.contractor n.订约人,承包人  【商务用语】general contractor 总承包者;建筑公司   independent contractor独立承包人   labor contractor包工头   project contractor工程承包  10.contractual adj.契约的  【商务用语】contractual delivery 合同交货   contractual dividend 约定股息   contractual investment 合同性投资   contractual payment 债务偿还  【例句】You have a contractual obligation to finish the school building this week.   按合同规定,贵公司在本周内完成这幢教学大楼的工程。
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BEC初级口语词汇详解(17)1.amalgamate vi.联合;合并;企业合并;混合【商务用语】amalgamated company 合并企业   amalgamated product 融和积  2.amass vt.收集,积聚(尤指财富)  【商务用语】amass a fortune 积攒财富  【例句】During each war the monopoly capitalists amassed fabulous wealth.   垄断资本家们在任何一场战争中都大发横财。  3.ambiguity n.含义模糊,不确定  【商务用语】semantic ambiguity 语义含混(性)   signal ambiguity 信号不定性   structural ambiguity 结构歧义  4.amend vt.修正 vi.改良  【例句】The teacher advised him to amend his way of living.   老师劝他改变生活方式。  5.amendment n.修改;修正案;订正单  【商务用语】revised amendment 修订的修正案   tariff amendment 运价表订正单   budget amendment 追加预算   amendment of a contract 修改合同  【例句】The discussion on the amendment of the tax law passed off without a hitch.   有关修改税法的讨论顺利地结束了。  6.ailing adj.生病的,境况不佳的  【商务用语】ailing economy 病态经济  【例句】The finance of our company is involved in ailing situation.   我们公司的财政陷入了困境。  7.airway n.空中航线  【商务用语】airway bill 航运收据   airway delivery note 空运提货单   international airway 国际航路   global airway 环球航路  8.alliance n.联盟,联合  【商务用语】economical alliance 经济联盟   international Co-operative Alliance 国际合作社联盟   National Alliance of Businessmen 全国合作社联盟  【例句】The two countries made an alliance.   两国联盟。  9.allocation n. 拨款权,拨款;分摊,分配  【商务英语】allocation of funds 资金分配   additional allocation 增拨   additional budget allocation 追加预算   advance allocation 预付拨款  10.allotment n.分配数,按照分配;拨款  【商务用语】appropriation allotment 支出分配数   approved budget allotment 核定预算分配数   no-paid allotment 无偿分发新股票   specific allotment 特定预算分配
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BEC初级口语词汇详解(4)1.caption n.标题【商务用语】caption of account 会计科目,账户名称2.carat n.克拉(宝石重量单位);开(含绝金的量)【商务用语】international carat 国际克拉metric carat 米制开3.care n. 注意vi.关心 vt.在意【例句】Can you imagine that the president of a large firm doesn't care much about dress?你能想象一家大公司的总裁居然不太注意衣着吗?4.cargo n.船货,货物【商务用语】additional cargo 加载物air cargo 空运货物back cargo 归程货物bag cargo 袋袋货物【例句】We sailed from Perth with a cargo of raw iron.我们装着一船生铁从佩思启航。5.carriage n.运费,运送【商务用语】carriage forward 运费由收件人付carriage free 运费免收carriage paid 运费已付carriage charges 运输费6.carton n.硬纸盒,纸板箱【商务用语】carton filler 装(纸板)箱机carton capping machine 纸盒/纸箱封盖机carton paper 卡片纸carton packer 纸箱打包机7.cashier n.银行的财务主任,司库,出纳员【商务用语】cashier's check 银行开出的支票cashier's cheque 银行本票【例句】A cashier takes and gives out money in a bank or shop.出纳员在银行或者商店里收付钱款。8.casual adj.偶然的,不经意的;临时的【商务用语】casual audit 临时审计,抽查账目casual laborer 临时工casual profit 偶得利润casual revenue 临时收入9.category n.种类【商务用语】account category 账户分类,会计科目分类wage category 工资级别category of tax 税目category of traffic 运输种类10.caution n.注意,警告 vt.警告;保证【商务用语】caution mark 注意标志caution money 保证金【例句】The dean cautioned him against being late.系主任警告他不要再迟到。
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