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1分钟前发布 -【BEC高级词汇(16)】http://www.sdrsks.org/ask 09月24日讯: BEC高级词汇(16)Benchmark 基价,基准尺度e.g. these price will act as a benchmark for other firms.这些价格将作为其他公司的基价。Beneficiary 受益人e.g. the beneficiary-the person who gets the money when someone dies-is usually a member of the policyholder’s family.人寿保险收益人通常是投保人的某一家庭成员。Benefit premium. (基本工资之外的)福利津贴e.g. your benefit premium is the additional amount over and above base pay which is provided to help fund your benefits.福利津贴指的是基本工资以外,高于基本工资,用来自主所享福利的额外收入。Benefits package 一揽子福利,福利套餐(指工资以外的福利,如健康保险,住房或股票等等)e.g. Because it was necessary to drive long distances to see customers, the benefits package we offered to sales people at our company included a new car.由于拜访客户需要开车跑很长的路,所以我们提供给公司销售人员的福利套餐包括一辆车。e.g. She was offered an excellent benefits package at the interview.面谈时用人单位向他许诺优越的一揽子福利best selling author 畅销书作家Big Blue 蓝色巨人,美国IBM 的俗称,因为其早期的大型计算机上的图形标志呈蓝色。Big-ticket (美俚) 高价的,昂贵的e.g. Automobile is still a big-ticket item.汽车仍然是昂贵用品。Bilingual 具备双语能力的,熟悉两种语言的。e.g. suitable bilingual applicants will have worked in a similar position here or abroad for at least two years.符合条件者必须是具备双语能力,并在国内或国外相同职位上工作过至少两年的申请者。e.g. To be bilingual, one has to be bicultural.要掌握两种语言,必须掌握两种文化。Bill 要求……支付e.g. Michigan officials are planning to bill the federal government for the state’s fire-fighting costs.密歇根州的官员们打算要求联邦政府支付该州的消防费用。Billboard 露天大广告牌e.g. Saturn has chosen to price their car rather inexpensively, has promoted the car mainly through television advertisements and billboards and distributes the car exclusively through Saturn dealerships.“土星”汽车选择了低价位政策,主要利用电视广告和露天广告牌促销并通过独家经销商销售。e.g. There are American flags visible EVERYWHERE, on the rooftops, on cars, on the billboards, on the boats.在屋顶、车上、广告牌上、船上,美国旗到处可见。Bill of entry 报关单e.g. they are preparing bill of entry for customs.他们正在为海关准备报关单。Bill of lading 提单e.g. documentation for export shipments includes the bill of lading.出口货物运输所需文件包括提单。e.g. the full contract details appear on the back of the bill of lading.提单背面印有全部和约的细则。
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BEC高级词汇(4)advantageous 有利的例:Applicants with a background in engineering or processing would be highly advantageous.adversarial relationship 长期敌对关系,长期关系紧张例:Top management called on the company's division heads to start acting like members of the same team rather than displaying an adversarial relationship.advertising agency 广告公司例: You need to employ an advertising agency to create a product image.advertising business 广告业例: Dentsu is in the advertising business.(Dentsu日本电通公司)advertising campaign 广告宣传活动例1: If one advertises excessively, the advertising campaign could suffer from wearout.例2: The automobile company created a massive advertising campaign to increase interest in its new electric cars.advertising consultancy business 广告咨询公司例:He now plans to set up his own advertising consultancy business.advertising selection 广告甄选(法)例: Adervertising selection, which is placing an advertisement in newspaper or magazine, is most suitable for those vacancies which do not require particularly high levels of specialised knowledge.advice note 通知单(供货商给收货人,列明货物性质、数量、运输日期及方式等)例:We have received an advice note for the goods we ordered.advid 自荐录像带(拟考大学或求职的人将自己的专长或优点录制在录像带上供学校或聘用单位考虑录取或录用)advisory board 咨询委员会例:You will benefit from establishing an advisory board of experienced business people who can guide you through the growth process.advisory service 咨询服务例:The bank provides a financial advisory service for all its clients.aero (车辆等)流线型的例:We lowered the front end for more visibility, and softened the lines for a more aero look.
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BEC高级词汇(15)Bar chart 矩形图,条形图,直方图 也称bar graph or histogram (是以宽度相同的长条,按其长短或高低来表示指标或数值大小的一种图形。 有单式。复式和分段式三种。其中纵轴线称为vertical axis,横轴线称为horizontal axis.)e.g. Last year’s sales figures for all our markets are shown on this bar chart. 我们所有市场去年的销售数字都显示在这个条形图上。e.g. The bar chart below shows the cost of buying three different photocopiers. 以下条形图显示购买三种不同复印机所需的费用。Bar code (打印在商品上,与电脑系统连接可读出商品价格和参考数据的)条形码,条码e.g. The shop assistant scanned the bar code to check the price. 店员对条形码扫描以核对价格。Bar graph 矩形图,条形图,直方图,也称bar chart 或histograme.g. the bar graph shows the sales of cars in different countries during August, September and October. 该条形图显示了八月,九月,十月这三个月里公司在不同国家的汽车销售情况。Barrier crash (汽车)障碍试验Barrister (英国、澳大利亚)(有资格出席高等法院)律师,出庭律师,大律师,相当于美国的attorneye.g. He is a barrister specializing in employment law. 他是对劳工法有专门研究的大律师。Base pay 基本工资e.g. To know how much can be spent on benefits, you start with Base Pay. 要了解有多少钱可用于享受福利,须先看基本工资Bancassurance 银行保险业, 亦作bankassurancee.g. The job losses stem largely from the amalgamation of TSB’s bank and insurance operations into a unified ‘bancassurance’. 丧失工作岗位主要是由于信托储蓄银行的银行业务和保险业务合并成为统一的银行保险业而引起的base rate 基本利率,基础利率e.g. the interest which a bank charges on loans is at a rate which is usually higher than its base rate. 银行收取的的货款利率通常高于其基础利率。Batch 成批的产品e.g. this is batch of watches that all have the same fault. 这就是那批有同样毛病的表。e.g. the first batch of applicants was being processed by the personnel department. 人事部门正在处理第一批求职者。Bath mat 浴室脚垫Bear market 熊市 (通常指股市、汇市等金融市场价格下跌或疲软)e.g. if the market is thought to be poor and prices on the Stock Exchange are thought to be likely to fall, the market is called to be a bear market. 市场疲软,股价看跌,这种股市被称为熊市。
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BEC高级词汇(7)angle 投资天使,对个人投资者(private investors)的别称,也叫 angel invester例1:It's important to start networking to find an angel long before you actually need the capital.例2:Angel investor: An individual investor who has made one or more equity investments in emerging growth technology firms.annoyance 令人讨厌的人或事例:The target market has viewed the ad so many times that it no longer makes a positive impression, and, in fact, it may make a negative impression in the form of an annoyance.annual general meeting 年度股东大会(根据法律规定每年举行,出席的包括公司成员,股东和董事),简称AGM.口语里也称the yearly shareholders' meeting.例: The financial results will be announced at the annual general meeting.annualization 年工时制例: She also said companies might be able to implement the government's measures based on the "annualization" of working hours rather than a calculation week by week.annual production 年产量例: Within five years annual production went from 20 000 to 230 000 cars and the company founded its first South American subsidiary.annual profit 年收益,年利润例: The company produces an annual profit of 25 million.annual report 年报例: An annual report is a document which tells you about the company's performance over the year.appointment 任命,(聘任的)职位例: There has been a new appointment to the board.appraisal 评价,评估例: annual appraisal interviews 年度能力评估面试appointed 1 任命的例1: Measures are taken to ensure that newly-appointed members of staff are integrated effectively into existing teams. annual return 年度报表例: We are in the middle of making our annual return.answering machine 录音电话,等于(英)answerphone例1:There were three messages on the answering machine.例2:The answerphone has fourteen minutes' recording time, which is a bonus for any business.
74 评论


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