
南风轻语 2025-02-22
回答数 2 浏览数 924
首页 > 考试科目 > 小升初英语心情作文高中


夏木南生 夏木南生



题目:My First Day of High School

Today is my first day of high school. I am both excited and nervous. The school is much bigger than my primary school, and there are so many new faces. I am worried about making friends and fitting in. However, I also feel excited to learn new things and challenge myself.

In the morning, I arrived at school early. The campus is beautiful, with tall trees and colorful flowers. I met my homeroom teacher, Mr. Li, who welcomed me warmly. He introduced me to my classmates, and they seemed friendly. We were given a tour of the school and shown where our classrooms and lockers are located.

The first class was English, which is my favorite subject. Our teacher, Ms. Wang, is young and energetic. She made the lesson interesting and interactive. I felt comfortable participating and even raised my hand to answer a question. During break time, I talked to some of my classmates, and we found out that we have similar interests. We decided to sit together during lunch.

As the day went on, I started to feel more relaxed. The subjects were challenging but enjoyable, especially math and science. I realized that high school is not as scary as I thought. There are many opportunities to learn and grow.

At the end of the day, I reflected on my experiences. Although it was tiring, I felt proud of myself for stepping out of my comfort zone. I look forward to the next few years in high school and all the adventures that await me.

This first day has taught me that change can be exciting, and it’s okay to feel nervous. What’s important is to stay open-minded, be kind to others, and believe in yourself. High school is a journey, and I am ready to embrace it.


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As a fifth grader, I am about to enter middle school, and I am both excited and nervous about this new chapter in my life. On one hand, I am looking forward to making new friends, experiencing different subjects, and joining extracurricular activities. On the other hand, I am worried about the increased workload and the pressure to perform well in my studies. One thing I am excited about is the opportunity to learn new subjects such as history, geography, and science. In elementary school, we only had basic knowledge about these subjects, but in middle school, we will dive deeper into these topics. I am especially interested in learning about different cultures and historical events around the world. I believe that studying these subjects will broaden my horizons and help me become a more well-rounded person.‌‌

  1. 开头部分‌:简要介绍自己的背景和即将进入新阶段的心情。
  2. 中间部分‌:详细描述对新环境、新朋友和新知识的期待,同时表达对挑战和压力的担忧。
  3. 结尾部分‌:总结自己的感受,表达对新阶段的期待和对未来的憧憬。


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