
数据科学(Data Science)是当今最受广大中国留学生留美申请的热门专业。一般来讲,数据科学就是从数据中提取信息知识,即是数据挖掘与预测分析的延伸,亦是发掘知识与数据的过程。简而言之,数据科学就是通过分析数据来挖掘获得这些数据中的潜在信息。

申请要求方面,GPA一般要求是不低于3.0,申请名校最好是在3.5以上;托福成绩不低于90 / 雅思7+;GRE成绩在315以上。在背景要求上,一般建议申请者最好有数学、计算机相关的知识背景;部分院校不限制申请者的专业背景,但是有先修课的要求。


下文将以弗吉尼亚大学Data Science Institute的项目为例,参考数据科学专业的申请要求(详情请登录学校官网进行查看)

Master of Science in Data Science program

Applications opened on October 15, 2017. Applications must be completed and submitted by January 16, 2018, at 11:59 p.m.


Applicants to the Master of Science in Data Science (MSDS) program must have completed an undergraduate degree by the start of the program.

A specific undergraduate major or program is not required. Our students come from a variety of undergraduate backgrounds, including economics, statistics, computer science, math, hospitality management and history, to name a few.

Applicants do need a common knowledge base, however. You must have completed all of the following courses by the beginning of the program.

  • Single variable calculus (similar to UVA MATH 1210-1220, MATH 1310-1320 or APMA 1090-1190)

  • Linear algebra or matrix algebra (similar to UVA MATH 3350, MATH 3351 or APMA 3080)

  • Introductory statistics (similar to UVA STAT 2020 or STAT 2120)

  • Introductory programming (similar to UVA CS 1110-1112)


  • Application fee of $85.00.



P.S. The minimum internet-based (iBT) TOEFL score requirements is 90 (including sectional minimums of 22 in speaking, 22 in writing, 23 in reading, and 23 in listening).

The minimum paper-based TOEFL score requirement is 600. Applicants may submit scores from the International English Language Testing System (IELTS) instead of TOEFL scores. The minimum IELTS score requirement is 7.0 in each section. (Either type of IELTS exam is fine.)
