
携手 2025-02-21
回答数 3 浏览数 848
首页 > 考试科目 > 小升初英语智力题。


流浪的脚步 流浪的脚步



  1. 英汉互译
  • What’s the Chinese for “six of one and half a dozen of the other?”

  • What three letters turn a girl into a woman?

  1. 脑筋急转弯
  • We don’t want it. It’s “a white elephant.” What is it?

  • What’s too much for two and just right for one?

  1. 英英解译
  • Which letter is a body of water?

  • What is it that found in the every center of America and Australia?

  • Why is a river rich?

  1. 其他智力题
  • What number can replace the questionmark?

  • Which letter is very useful to a deaf woman?

  • Which runs faster, heat or cold? Why?


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醉闻晚风 醉闻晚风


  1. Why is the letter E so important?

    • Because it’s the beginning of everything!
  2. Why are the letter G and letter S in love with each other?

    • Because there is love between them!
  3. What letter is an animal?

    • It’s the letter B!
  4. What letter is a question?

    • It’s the letter Y!
  5. What does everybody do at the same time?

    • Grow old!
  6. Who works only one day in a year but never gets fired?

    • Santa Claus圣诞老人
  7. How many sides does a circle have?

    • Two. The inside and the outside!
  8. What animal can jump as high as a tree?

    • All animals, for trees can’t jump!
  9. What falls soft but never gets hurt?

    • Snowflakes!
  10. Which month has 28 days?

    • Every month has at least 28 days!
  11. How can you make 6 out of three 7’s?

    • easy. 7-7/7=6!
  12. How can you make 6 out of three 5’s?

    • easy. 5+5/5=6!
  13. How can you make 1000 out of eight 8’s?

    • easy. 8+8+8+8+88+888=1000!
  14. A police officer had a brother, but the brother had no brother. How could that be?

    • The police officer was a lady!


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 不许不理我 不许不理我


  1. 英汉互译‌:例如,“What’s the Chinese for ‘six of one and half a dozen of the other?’”的答案是“半斤八两”‌
  2. 字母谜语‌:例如,“哪个字母可以喝?”的答案是“T”(tea)‌
  3. 成语或短语翻译‌:例如,“What’s too much for two and just right for one?”的答案是“A room”‌
  4. 文化背景知识‌:例如,“What’s the Chinese for ‘talk big’?”的答案是“吹牛”‌
  5. 逻辑推理‌:例如,“What three letters turn a girl into a woman?”的答案是“MAN”‌
  1. 理解题意‌:仔细阅读题目,确保理解问题的真正意图。
  2. 运用常识‌:许多题目需要结合常识和语言知识来解答。
  3. 逻辑推理‌:对于需要推理的题目,尝试从不同角度分析问题,找出规律或答案。
  4. 词汇积累‌:掌握更多的词汇和短语,有助于更快地理解和解答题目。
  5. 多练习‌:通过大量的练习,熟悉各种题型和解题方法,提高解题速度和准确率。
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