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首页 > 英语类考试 > 2017年职称英语考试《理工C级》词汇选项试题及答案(二)

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1分钟前发布 -【2017年职称英语考试《理工C级》词汇选项试题及答案(二)】http://www.sdrsks.org/ask 09月24日讯: 2017年职称英语考试《理工C级》词汇选项试题及答案(二)1. Formulated in 1823, the Monroe Doctrineassertedthat the Americas were no longer open to European colonization,A. stated firmly  B. argued light-mindedly  C. thought seriously  D. announced regrettably2.The number of United States citizens who areeligibleto vote continues to increase.A. encouraged  B. enforced  C. expected  D. entitled3.During the Second World War, all important resources in the U.S. wereallocatedby the federal government.A. nationalized  B. commandeered  C. taxed  D. distributed4. "It ispostulatedthat population trends have an effect on economic fluctuations.A. challenged  B. assumed  C. deducted  D. decreed5.She seemed to havedetectedsome anger in his voice.A. noticed  B. heard  C. realized  D. got6.The new style of shoesappeals tothose students.A. arises  B. absorbs  C. attracts  D. accepts7.It remains apuzzleabout why our outermost planet exists.A. problem  B. mystery  C. question  D. point8.Before you decide on avocation, it might be a good idea to consult a few good friends.A. career  B. holiday  C. plan  D. research9.There arevariousways to solve the problem.A. same  B. many  C. helpful  D. different10. The house wasseriouslydestroyed.A. slightly  B. heavily  C. obviously  D. sadly11. The mostpressingproblem any economic system faces is how to use its scarce resources.A. puzzling  B. difficult  C. terrifying  D. urgent12. I visited this famous writernow and then.A. always  B. occasionally  C. constantly  D. regularly13. It seemsinevitablefor people to make such a mistake.A. strange  B. certain  C. inconsistent  D. proper14. You should take many factors intoconsiderationwhen going for an interview.A. thought  B. mind  C. account  D. memory15. Even in a highly modernized country,manualwork is still needed.A. expressive  B. physical  C. exaggerated  D. mental答案及解析:1.A。本题考查动词。题干:制定于1823年的门罗主义政策宣称美洲不再是欧洲的殖民地。画线单词asserted意为“断然宣称”,四个选项stated firmly意为“坚定地宣称”,arguedlight—mindedly意为“随意地争论”, thought seriously意为“严肃地思考”,announced regrettably意为“遗憾地宣布”,故A正确。2.D。本题考查形容词。题干:有资格投票的美国人的数量持续增长。画线单词eligible意为“有权力的,有资格的”,四个选项encouraged意为“鼓励”,enforced意为“强迫”,expected意为“期望”,entitled意为“给……权利”,故D正确。3.D。本题考查动词。题干:在第二次世界大战期间,美国所有的重要资源都由联邦政府统一分配。画线单词allocated意为“分配”,四个选项nationalized意为“全国化”,commandeered意为“征用”, taxed意为“收税”,distributed意为“分配,分销”,故本题选D。4.B。本题考查动词。题干:人们认为人口动态对经济波动有一定影响。画线单词postulated意为“猜测,假设”,四个选项challenge意为“挑战”,assume意为“猜测,假象”,deduct意为“推测”, decreed意为“颁布法令”,故选B。5.A。本题考查动词。题干:她似乎已经察觉出他声音中的愤怒。画线单词detected常见的意思有两种:“察觉”和“侦查”,在这个句子中是第一种意思。四个选项notice意为“注意到”,hear意为“听到”, realize意为“意识到”,get意为“得到”。因此A为正确答案。6.C。本题考查短语。题干:这种新款式的鞋对那些学生很有吸引力。画线词组appeals to意为“吸引,诉诸”,四个选项arise意为“出现,上升”, absorb意为“吸收”,attract意为“吸引”,accept意为“接受”,所以正确答案为C。7.B。本题考查名词。题干:最外层行星为何存在仍然是一个谜。画线单词puzzle意为“迷,难题”,四个选项problem意为“问题”,mystery意为“神秘”,question意为“问题”,point意为“点,意义”,所以正确答案为B。8.A。本题考查名词。题干:在你决定从事一份职业前,咨讯一些好朋友可能是一个好主意。画线单词vocation意为“职业”,四个选项career意为“职业”,holiday意为“假期”,plan意为“计划”, research意为“研究,调查”,所以正确答案为A。9.D。本题考查形容词。题干:解决这个问题有不同的方法。画线单词various意为“多样的,不同的”,四个选项same意为“相同的”,many意为“许多的”,helpful意为“有helpful意为“有帮助的”,different意为“不同的”,所以正确答案为D。10.B。本题考查副词。题干:这所房子被严重地破坏了。画线单词seriously意为“严肃地,严重地”,四个选项slightly意为“轻微地,略微地”,heavily意为“重地,严重地”,obviously意为“明显地”,sadly意为“悲哀地”,所以正确答案为B。11.D。本题考查形容词。题干:任何经济面临的最紧急的问题是如何利用缺乏的资源。画线单词pressing意为“紧急的,紧迫的”,四个选项puzzling意为“令人费解的,令人迷惑的”, difficult意为“困难的”,terrifying意为“令人害怕的,令人恐惧的979 urgent意为“紧急的,迫切的”,所以正确答案为D。12.B。本题考查词组。题干:我曾不时地去拜访过这位著名作家。画线词组now and then意为“不时地”,四个选项always意为“总是”,occasionally意为“偶尔”,constantly意为“不断地,经常地”, regularly意为“定期地,有规律地”,所以正确答案为B。13.B。本题考查形容词。题干:人们犯这样的错误似乎是不可避免的。画线单词inevitable意为“不可避免的”,四个选项strange意为“奇怪的”,certain意为“必然的,确定的”,inconsistent意为“不一致的”,proper意为“适当的,恰当的”,故正确答案为B。14.C。本题考查名词,但实际考查的是词组take…into consideration,意为“将……考虑在内”。题干:当你去面试时,你应该把所有因素考虑在内。四个选项中,只有take…into account意为“将……考虑在内”,所以正确答案为C。15.B。本题考查形容词。题干:即使在高度现代化的国家,手工工作也是需要的。画线单词manual意为“手工的,体力的”,四个选项expressive意为“表现的,表达的”, physical意为“身体的,体力的”,exaggerated意为“夸张的,夸大的”,mental意为“精神的,脑力的”,所以正确答案为B。
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2017年职称英语试题综合B级阅读理解模拟题(6)Human Space ExplorationWhile scientists are searching the cause of the Columbia disaster, NASA is moving ahead with plans to develop a new craft that would replace shuttles (航天飞机) on space station missions by 2012 and respond quickly to space station emergencies.The space agency released the first set of mission needs and requirements several days ago for the orbital space plane (轨道航天飞机) , which would be designed to transport a crew of four to and from the International Space Station.Although it includes few specifics, the plan states the orbiter (轨道航天飞机) will be safer,cheaper and require less preparation time than the shuttle. It would be able to transport four crew members by 2012--though it would be available for rescue missions by 2010. NASA says the craft should be able to transport injured or ill space station crew members to "definitive (决定性的) medical care" within 24 hours.The release of the requirements showed NASA remains focused on the long-term priorities of space exploration, even as questions exist concerning the loss of Columbia and its seven-member crew on February 1st,2003.Experts at Marshall Space Flight Center in Huntsville, Alabama, have been working for years on a successor to the shuttle. The project, known as the Space Launch Initiative (倡议) , was divided last year into two parts--one focusing on a future launch vehicle, the other on a space station orbiter. The orbiter is expected to be ready sooner.The program's managers say NASA officials have told them not to alter Space Launch Initiative in light of the Columbia disaster.U. S. President George W. Bush asked Congress for about US$1 billion for Space Launch Initiative in 2004, funds that would be almost equally split between the Orbital Space Plane and Next Generation Launch Technology.1.NASA plans to design the new space craft to__________.A.control the International Space Station.B.carry astronauts to the International Space Station.C.transport equipment to the International Space Station.D.train astronauts in space flights.2.Besides its main mission, the orbiter would also be used as__________.A.a medical research center.B.a space station.C.a space ambulance.D.a passenger plane.3.The design of the orbiter indicates__________.A.NASA's determination to continue space exploration.B.NASA's disadvantage in space technology.C.the great pressure from Congress on NASA.D.a heavy defeat for NASA.4.When did NASA start working on a successor to the shuttle?A.One year before the Columbia disaster.B.One year after the Columbia disaster.C.Immediately after the Columbia disaster.D.Years before the Columbia disaster.5.According to the passage, the 1 billion funds, if granted, would________.A.be used to rebuild the International Space Station.B.be awarded to the scientists working at NASA.C.be shared by the two projects under the Space Launch Initiative.D.be spent on the investigation of the Columbia disaster.2017年职称英语试题综合B级阅读理解模拟题答案1.参考答案:B参考解析:细节题。题干:NASA(美国国家航空航天局)设计新航天飞机的目的是什么?利用题干关键词可以定位到文章第一段,此处指出研发这种新的航天器的目的是取代现有的航天飞机,把航天员送到国际空间站去。故选B。2.参考答案:C参考解析: 细节题。题干:除了运送航天员这一主要使命外,航天飞机还用来干什么?利用题干关键词可以定位到原文第一段,可知它还被用做太空急救车,故选C。3.参考答案:A参考解析: 细节题。题干:这架航天飞机的设计表明了什么?利用题干关键词可以定位到第四段,该段指出,新设备的发射表明NASA继续关注长期太空勘探,尽管存在一些困难。所以选项A“NASA继续探索太空的决心”为正确答案。4.参考答案:D参考解析: 细节题。题干:NASA什么时候开始着手设计后续的航天飞机?利用题干关键词可以定位到倒数第三段第一句,该句提到研制工作很多年前就开始了,故选D。5.参考答案:C参考解析: 细节题。题干:10亿美元的款项被批准后用来干什么?利用题干关键词可以定位到最后一段,该段提到,若10亿美元的款项获得国会批准,这笔款项基本上平分给the orbital Space Plane和Next Generation Launch Technology这两个研究项目,故选C。
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2017年职称英语试题《综合C》词汇选项专项练习(2)1. The expedition reached thesummitat 10:30 that morning.A. bottom of the mountain  B. foot of the mountainC. top of the mountain  D. starting point2. The judges mustexercisethe power to end the case.A. make  B. use  C. have  D. watch3. We were all there when the accidentoccurred.A. happened  B. broke  C. spread  D. appeared4. If we had discussed it with the manager, he would havesurelyagreed with it.A. unnecessarily  B. simply  C. certainly  D. possibly5. Please don'trefusehis help because he is so kind a man.A. turn down  B. go down  C. put down  D. pull down6. The factory can produce a lot of rubbish every day.A. make  B. apply  C. finish  D. reduce7. Tell me the exact time when the next train will arrive.A. aware  B. accurate  C. actual  D. abroad8. One's education background often affects his or herwayof life.A. method  B. road  C. style  D. plan9. The girl felt shy anduneasywhen she was asked to answer the teacher's question.A. difficult  B. stupid  C. foolish  D. worried10. Mary islooking forthe book she lost yesterday.A. trying to find  B. looking up  C. looking at  D. finding11. Parents should not onlycomplainto teachers for students' performance.A. feel unhappy  B. say badthings  C. care  D. praise12. This program is soboringthat I don't want to watch it anymore.A, interesting  B. exciting  C. lazy  D. dull13. What were theeffectsof the action she took?A. reasons  B. results  C. causes  D. bases14. People haven'trealizedthe seriousness which this earthquake has caused.A. known  B. thought  C. doubted  D. remembered15. The government should take measuresimmediately.A. far away  B. right away  C. right here  D. all right16. The firemen acted quickly because lives wereat stake.A. in danger  B. in despair  C. in condition  D. in control17. Johntalked overthe new program with his workmates,A. discussed  B. mentioned  C. accepted  D. rejected18. They are ready totrytheir way to solve the problem.A. grow  B. wrap  C. hide  D. test19. The workers finallycalled offthe strike.A. put off  B. ended  C. cancelled  D. took off20. The government has protected farmers fromdamagingdrops in grain prices since the drought.A. slight  B. surprising  C. sudden  D. harmful2017年职称英语试题《综合C》词汇选项专项练习答案与解析1. C。句意:那天早上十点半,探险队达到了山顶。题干中划线单词summit意为“山顶,顶峰”。选项bosom ofthe mountain意为“山底”,foot ofthe mountain意为“山脚”,top ofthe mountain意为“山顶”, starting point意为“起点”,因此正确答案为C。2. B。句意:法官行使权力,结束了这个案子。题干划线词exercise意为“练习,运用”,make意为“做,制造”,use意为“使用”,have意为“有,让”,watch意为“观察”,所以正确答案为B。3. A。句意:当事故发生的时候,我们都在那里。该题无论是题干划线词还是选项中的单词都是常见的基础词汇。occur意为“发生”,happen意为“发生”,broke原形为break,意为“打碎,打破”,spread意为“散布,传播”,appear意为“出现;好像”,所以正确答案为A。4. C。句意:如果我们当初与经理讨论这件事,他肯定会同意的。题干划线词surely意为“当然,无疑”,necessarily意为“必要地”,simply意为“简单地”,certainly意为“当然地,确定地”,possibly意为“可能地”,所以正确答案为C。5. A。句意:请不要拒绝他的帮助,因为他是个很好的人。题干划线词refuse意为“拒绝”,tum down意为“降低音量,拒绝”, go down意为“下降”,put down意为“镇压”,pull down意为“摧毁,推翻”,所以正确答案为A。6. A。句意:这个工厂每天制造很多垃圾。本题是对动词的考查。题干划线词produce意为“生产,产生”,make意为“做,制造”,apply意为“申请,运用”,finish意为“结束,完成”,reduce意为“减少”,所以正确答案为A。7. B。句意:告诉我下趟火车到达的确切时间。本题是对形容词的考查。题干划线词exact意为“确切的,准确的”,aware意为“意识到的”,accurate意为“准确的”,actual意为“实际的,真实的”,abroad意为“国外的”,所以正确答案为B。8. C。句意:一个人的教育背景通常会影响其生活方式。本题是对名词的考查。题干划线词way意为“方法,方式”,way of life意为“生活方式”,method意为“方法”,road意为“路”,style意为“风格,方式”,plan意为“计划”,所以正确答案为C。9. D。句意:当被要求回答老师的问题时,这个女孩感到害羞和不安。本题是对形容词的考查。题干划线词uneasy意为“不舒服的,不安的”,difficult意为“困难的”,stupid意为“笨的,愚蠢的”,foolish意为“傻的,愚蠢的”,worried意为“焦虑的,担心的”。因为职称英语考试词汇题一般不考查近义词辨析,所以正确答案为D。10.A。句意:Mary正在寻找她昨天丢的书。划线部分是短语,而选项为单个词和短语。此题考查的是look的短语形式,即“同一动词+不同介词”构成的短语,如“look+for/up/at”。需要指出的是,在做这类题目时,如果选项中出现“与题干划线部分相同的动词+不同的介词”,如本题中的looking up和looking at,这种选项一般是干扰项,因为同一动词后跟不同介词或副词构成的短语意思往往是不同的。look for意为“寻找,查找”,try to find意为“试图找到”,find意为“找到”,因此可知A为正确答案。11.A。句意:对于学生的成绩,家长不能只抱怨老师。本题是对动词的考查。题干划线词complain意为“抱怨,发牢骚”,选项中feel unhappy意为“感觉不开心”,say bad things意为“说坏话”,care意为“在乎,在意”,praise意为“赞扬,称赞”,所以选项A在意思上比较接近。12.D。句意:这个节目是如此无聊,以至于我都不想再看了。本题是对形容词的考查。题干划线词borin9意为“枯燥的,无聊的”,选项中interesting意为“有趣的”,exciting意为“兴奋的”,lazy意为“赖惰的”,dull意为“单调的,枯燥的”,所以正确答案为D。13.B。句意:他采取行动的影响是什么?本题是对名词的考查。题干划线词effect意为“影响,效果,效应”,选项中reason意为“原因,理由”,resuH意为“结果”,cause意为“原因,事业”,base意为“基础,地基”,在意义上选项B比较接近划线词。14.A。句意:人们还没有意识到地震带来的严重后果。本题是对动词的考查。题干划线词realize意为“意识到,实现”,选项中know意为“知道”,thought原形为think,意为“思考,认为”,doubt意为“怀疑”,remember意为“记得,记住”,所以选项A为正确答案。15.B。句意:政府应该立即采取措施。本题是对副词的考查,但是选项为短语的形式。题干划线词immediately意为“立即,立刻”,选项中far away意为“遥远的”,right away意为“立刻,马上”,right here意为“就在这里”,all right意为“好,可以”,故B为正确答案。16.A。句意:消防员紧急行动, 因为有生命处于危险中。本题考查的是短语。题干划线短语at stake的含义是“处于危险中”,选项in danger意为“处于危险中”,in despair意为“绝望地”,in condition意为“处于健康状态”,in control意为“处于控制之中”,故答案为A。17.A。句意:John跟他的同事讨论新的项目。本题考查的是短语。题干划线词talk over意为“讨论”,选项中discuss意为“讨论”,mention意为“提及,提到”,accept意为“接受”,reject意为“拒绝,排斥”,所以答案为A。18.D。句意:他们准备尝试他们的方法来解决问题。本题考查动词的含义。题干划线词try意为“尝试,审判”,选项grow意为“生长,种植”,wrap意为“包裹,缠绕”,hide意为“隐藏”,test意为“检测,检验”,可知答案为D。19.C。句意:工人们最终取消了罢工。本题考查动词短语的含义。题干划线短语call off的含义是“取消”,选项中put off意为“延期,推迟”,end意为“结束”,cancel意为“取消”,take off意为“脱,起飞”,故C是正确选项。20.D。句意:自从发生干旱以来,政府保护农民不受谷物价格严重下降的伤害。本题是考查形容词的含义。题干划线词damaging的含义为“损害的”,选项中slight意为“轻微的,少量的”,surprising意为“惊奇的,吃惊的”,sudden意为“突然的”,harmful意为“有害的,损害的”,可知D项正确。
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2017年职称英语试题《综合A》完形填空专项练习(2)Something Men Do Not Like to DoEric Brown hates shopping. "It's just not enjoyable to me," said the 28-year-old Chicago man who was carrying several shopping bags along the city's main street, Michigan Avenue. "When I'm out__________(1), I basically know what I want to get. I rush in. I buy it. I __________ (2). "Common wisdom says that guys hate to Shop. You can ask generations of men. But people who study shopping say that a number of social, cultural and economic factors are now__________(3) this "men-hate-to-shop" notion." __________ (4) social class, ethnicity, age, men say they hate to shop," says Sharon Zukin, a City University of New York sociology professor. "Yet when you ask them deeper questions, it turns out that they __________ (5) to shop. Men generally like to shop for __________ .(6), music and hardware. But if you ask them about the shopping they do for books or music, they'll say "Well, that's not shopping. That's __________ (7)."In other words, what men and women call "buying things" and how they approach that task are __________ (8).Women will__________(9) through several 1,000-square-metre stores in search of the perfect party dress. Men will wander through 100 Intemet sites in search of the__________(10)digital camcorder.Women see shopping as a social event. Men see it as a mission or a__________(11) to be won."Men are frequently shopping to win," says Mary Ann McGrath, a marketing professor at Loyola University of Chicago. "They want to get the best deal. They want to get the best one. The last one and if they do that it__________(12) them happy."When women shop, "they're doing it in a way where they want__________(13) to be very happy," says McGrath. "They're kind of shopping for love."In fact, it is in clothing where we see a male-female__________(14) most clearly. Why,grumble some men, are all male clothes navy, grey, black or brown? But would they wear Light green and pink?These days, many guys wear a sort of "uniform", says Paco Underhill, author of "Why We Buy", "It's been hard for them to understand what it means to be fashion-conscious in a business way. It becomes much, much easier if you (15) your range of choices."1.A. playing  B. fishing  C. shopping  D. traveling2.A. get out  B. stay in  C. look round  D. move about3.A. confirming  B. challenging  C. proving  D. supporting4.A. Regardless of  B. Because of  C. Owing to  D. Thanks to5.A. want  B. like  C. hate  D. hope6.A. coats  B. pants  C. socks  D. books7.A. relaxation  B. rest  C. exercise  D. research8.A. similar  B. inclusive  C. contradictory  D. different9.A. wander  B. go  C. walk D. run10. A. cheap  B. fashionable  C. presentable  D. perfect11. A. task  B. play  C. game  D. destination12. A. brings  B. causes  C. makes  D. keeps13. A. everybody  B. nobody  C. anybody  D. no one14. A. competition  B. comparison  C. division  D. confrontation15. A. broaden  B. expand  C. extend  D. narrow2017年职称英语考试试题《综合A》补全短文专项练习题试题答案解析1.C。第一段第一个句子是主题句,说的是:Eric Brown讨厌买东西。因此shoppin9是合适的选择。2.A。语境是这样的:当我出去买东西时,我基本上已经知道我要买什么了。我会冲进去,买了后__________。显然,填入get out(出去)是连贯的。stay in是“在家里待着”,look round是“环顾”,move about是“闲荡”,不难看出,这些都不是合适的选择。3.B。第二段的第一个句子说的是:一般认为,男人讨厌买东西。第三段第四句的起始词是“But”,它告诉我们意思将发生转折,因而challengin9是合适的选择。confirming是“确认”的意思,proving是“证明”,supportin9是“支持”。4.A。第三段的第一个句子引自纽约城市大学社会学教授Sharon Zukin的话,大意是:__________在社会阶层、种族特点以及年龄上是有差异的,男人都说他们讨厌买东西。可以看出,合适的选择是Regardless of(不管),“Because of”“0wingto”“Thanks to”都表示“由于”,插入后意思上是不连贯的。5.B。紧接着第三段第一个句子的后一个句子由Yet起始,这个词提示我们由它引导的句子在意思上跟上一个句子构成对比。由于上一个句子说的是“男人们讨厌买东西”,那么这个句子应当说的是男人们实际上是喜欢买东西的。因此,like是合适的选择。6.D。从下文的music(音乐),hardware(硬件)判断,coats(外套),pants(裤子),socks(袜子)都不是合适的选择,因为它们都不能与music和hardware构成一个比较自然的类别,所以唯有books是合适的选择。另外,紧随其后的一句话中也出现了books这个词,这是提示。7.D。该题问的是:男人们不把买书和音乐制品看作是购物,那么他们把它看作是什么呢?从下面的三段提供的信息来看,research(研究)比relaxation(放松),rest(休息),exercise(锻炼)更合适一点。8.D。本空所在的句子实际上是对前面文章的总结。所以合适的选择是different。similar(相似的)、contradictory(矛盾的)和inclusive(兼容的)都不构成答案。9.A。买东西是需要来回看的,这是常识。另外,紧随其后的句子中也用了wander(漫游)这个词。10.D。上文中出现了perfect(完美的)。注意:文章始终在把男人与女人做比较。因此此处也应用perfect。11.D。注意紧随其后的动词不定式to be won(赢得),此处只能是game(游戏)。12.C。这个句子要表达的是:这会使得他们快乐。makes是正确的。如果用brings,需改原文:it brings them happiness或it brings happiness to them;如果用causes,也需改原文:it causes them to become happy;it keeps them happy是可以的,但它的意思是他们原来就快乐,但是是否事实如此?文章没有说。13.A。nobody,no one和anybody用于否定意义。但该句提供的不是一种否定的语境,因此,正确的选择是everybody。14.C。至此文章都是在说男女之间的差别,因而division是理想的选择。整个句子说的是:事实上,在服装方面最能清楚地把男女区分开来。competition是“竞争”,comparison是“比较”,confrontation是“对抗”。15.D。对许多男人来说,选择的范围越窄,买衣服越方便。因此narrow(窄)是合适的选择。
39 评论


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