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首页 > 英语类考试 > class of 2020什么意思?

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1分钟前发布 -【class of 2020什么意思?】http://www.sdrsks.org/ask 09月24日讯: class of 2020什么意思?class of 2020的中文翻译  class of 2020  2020班  双语例句  1  As the country's prosperous class grows--Euromonitor International predicts the middle class will expand to 700 million people by 2020& Chinese consumption of wine is mushrooming.  随着中国富裕阶层的增长(据欧睿国际预测,到2020年中国的中产阶级将达到7亿人),中国的红酒消费量正在飞速增长。
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中国的高考用英语怎么说,好像翻译过来是大学入学考试高考的英文是college entrance examination,即大学入学考试。例句:今年高考能否通过,他心里没底。He’s not sure whether he can pass the national college entrance examination this year.去年这个班在全国高考中被剃了光头。Not a single student from this class passed the national college entrance examination last year.他通过了高考,这让父母很高兴。He has passed the college entrance examination, which makes his parents quite happy.那么高考到底应不应该取消英语?So what should cancel the college entrance examination in English。
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英语翻译课已提前到了周四我周四下午1点到4点有课。周三下午3点怎么样?或者其他你方便的时间。附件是我的课表。I have class on Thursday from 1:00 PM to 4:00 PM.How about 3:00 PM on Wednesday?. Or any other time when it is convenient for youAttached is my schedule
91 评论


condition的意思解释:状况;环境,处境;条件,条款;健康状况;疾病condition 是什么意思及中文翻译:名词(n.) 状况名词(n.) 环境,处境名词(n.) 条件,条款名词(n.) 健康状况名词(n.) 疾病动词(v.) 训练动词(v.) 使习惯于动词(v.) 使适应动词(v.) 影响动词(v.) 保养condition 词态变化:复数:conditions第三人称单数:conditions过去式:conditioned过去分词:conditioned现在分词:conditioning包含condition的单词conditions (居住、工作或做事情的)环境conditional 有前提的recondition 修理,修复,修补翻新conditionals 条件句,从句,条件式( conditional的名词复数 )conditioners 调理的物品或物质,护发素( conditioner的名词复数 )reconditions 修理,修复,修补翻新( recondition的第三人称单数 )reconditioned 修理,修复,修补翻新( recondition的过去式和过去分词 )preconditions 前提,先决条件( precondition的名词复数 )air-conditioned 装有空气调节设备的包含condition的短语air condition 空调,空气调节设备armed condition 待爆状态anoxic condition 缺氧条件airflow condition 气流状况ambient condition 周围条件[情况],环境[外界]条件aseptic condition 无菌状态antipole condition 反极条件adjacency condition 邻接条件activating condition 激活条件adjunction condition 附益条件condition 相关例句You can either add an Or condition or an And condition.您可以添加一个或条件或和条件。Agreed Class Condition As in the agreed class condition根据已同意的船级条件To assign a value to a condition, find the predicate property of the condition.要为条件指定一个值, 请找到该条件的谓词属性。No. The steam flow at condition is the same as that at the capability condition flow.不, 最大连续功率工况下和能力工况下蒸汽流量相同。If you add a search condition, you can aggregate the subset of rows that meet that condition.如果添加搜索条件, 则可聚合满足该条件的行子集。The condition of discontinuance of crime is cant be confused the condition of one who discontinues a crime.中止犯的成立条件不能混同于犯罪中止的成立条件。Its principle is that obtain the unique solution by discovering convergence condition of the boundary condition.其原理就是通过找出边界的收敛条件以获得唯一解。Amendment on Intension Condition of Castiron Press Component Best Condition Research of Hydrodynamic Cavitation Press对铸铁承压构件强度条件的补正水力空化的最佳条件研究Objective To understand environment condition of flies and provide scientific evidence for improving campus enviroment condition.目的了解蝇类孳生状况, 为改善校园卫生环境提供科学依据。The boundary condition of restriction and the natural condition of variation for the virtual principle of displacement are given too.明确了虚位移原理的变分约束条件和变分自然条件。condition的近反义词condition的近义词
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