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1分钟前发布 -【雅思IELTS 9分口语08】http://www.sdrsks.org/ask 09月24日讯: 雅思IELTS 9分口语08Now we go to part 3 ,In talking about the problem of city and I’d like to ask you one or two more questions related to this.So let’s consider first of all the the development of cities.Could you examing the causes of urbanization? ““Well the causes of urbanization are basically industry revolution which started that I suppose in English cities ,but when Lundon’s east end industrialize.Then obviousely they need thousand of workers to run the factories,and the massive infrastructure of the pour city which is Lundon,which for certainly a century buziness world in a tired world.So the amount of people who had to come from the British countryside or from other countries altogether often places which have been colonize by Britain.These people were all drawn towards to the center of indurstry,and therefore we get two things happening with one of them is crowding ,therefore likeness for easily to transmitted deseases or just lack of cleanliness you might find.In the food market ,with too many rackes.But the other side of problem is so many communities is tirely different in their culture leaving nest door to each other .Sometimes this works very well,but other times we can see the ruptions vilence or mycotant among different social groups.And could you speculate on how the cities will develop in future?I think cities will probably develop a points.In the same way we have seen American citise.The buildings will become taller with better security gardes and more windows.So the people can live in the city ,with the convenience of local 7-11 without having to incounter the chorkblock streatside life you find any motoplous.Ok,And Lets talk some about globle issues.could you discribe how noticeable about the gap between the rich and the poor is in your country?Yes ,its certainly very noticable the problem who said the homeless that the people when we come out the opera.So in lundon ,particularly Manchester and Birmingham,you can really see a lot of people who are sleeping in the street.On newspapers right next to them ,extrimly weathy,lundon bankers or oil man people with sofas that people to people to carry their cout over the homeless people .So I think it’s obvious that the difference between rich and poor,particularly if you could go to the center of urbanize areas.And how worried are you about arising world temperatuers?Oh,I think its certainly worring,they trained the globle warming. So called .Also in other part of world will see “globle cooling”,so It’s not simply the idea .I am worried about the temperatures raising.If you look the center of cannada at the moment ,there’s massive colds now,which is hard than usually expected at this time of year.So I think the globle warming is more complex is just arising world temperatures .But certainly I am worried that we have done something to the balance of our world’s equality…how to say… that we must not be able to repare.Thank you ,that is the end of the speaking test.
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