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1分钟前发布 -【雅思IELTS 9分口语25】http://www.sdrsks.org/ask 09月24日讯: 雅思IELTS 9分口语25Culture Transportations Travel and CulturePart 1 travelWhich countries have you been to?How often do you travel abroad or into a city?Do you prefer to travel alone or in a group?Do you prefer package tours or independant travel?What country do you want to visit most? Why ?What kind of commendation do you prefer to stay in a wild travelling?What does the benefits of travel?Can travel be dangerous?Would you travel back to a place you have been to there before and stay there again?TransportationDo you have a driver’s license?Do you prefer to travel by bus, train, ship, plain or car?Do you have a good sense of direction?What is the most popular form of public transportation in your town or city?How often do you take public transportation?Do you ever ride a bike these days?How do you travel to work or school?Is it easy to find a parking space in your town or city?What mode of transportation do you think is the safest?HolidaysDo you prefer summer or winter holidays?Do you prefer active or relaxing holidays?What holidays was celebrated at your family in your culture?What foods are eaten for your favorite holiday?Would you like more holidays?CultureWhat is interesting or special about your culture?What don’t you like about your culture?Are you familiar with any other cultures? Which ones?Which culture would you like to learn more about?Do you practice any traditional customs?Part 2Describe your ideal holiday.You should say where you would go, when and how long you would go for, who would go with, and explain would be special these holidays.Describe a car you would like to buy.You should say what it is, what features it has, how would compare to other cars, and explain why you would like to buy it.Describe a place you would like to go for a company or school trip.You should say where you would like to go, what you could do there, when and how long you will go for, and explain why it is suit for other member of the group.Describe an aspect of your culture that you are most proud of.You should say what it is, what makes it special, how would the regime like it, and explain why you are proud of it.Part 3 transportation issuesHow the effect of your public transportation system in your town or city?What could the government do to improve public transportation system in your town or city?What is the cause of traffic congestion?What does the traffic congestion lead to?Tourism industryHow concerned are you about the air travel?What responsibility do tourists have when visiting a country?What are the prose and come of tourism?Could you compare the benefits of international travel to the domestic?Development of tourismHow can the government more tourists to your country?How has the tourism industry changed in the past 50 years? How may develop in the future?Cultural identityWhich customs are dying out in your country?How has globalization affected your culture?How much respect of the younger generation in your country have to watch your culture and customs?Do you think that many public holidays are losing their significance holiday these days?
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留学考试有哪些出国留学是要参加一些留学考试的,不同国家及学校要求的留学考试1及成绩也各有不同。那么常见的留学考试有哪些呢?一、留学考试(一)语言考试1.托福(TOEFL)托福是为在北美和澳大利亚学习的学生设立的语言等级考试,总分为120分,有效期为2年;听.说.读.写四部分,每部分满分30分,托福和雅思,也不限于地点,不间断,你可以选择适合自己的考试地点;美国和加拿大的大学基本上接受托福成绩,英国的一些大学不接受。不同的学校对托福成绩有不同的要求,所以你可以在确认申请哪所大学后为你的托福考试设定一个目标。2.雅思(IELTS)雅思是在英联邦国家申请留学和移民的英语水平考试。雅思G类是一门考试,雅思A类是留学申请的考试。雅思满分9分,有效期为两年。雅思主要是听.说.读.全面评价语言能力的国家考试可以综合评价学生的英语语言能力。雅思报名全年开放,考试日期和地点可根据自己的需要选择,次数没有限制,留学生更方便。对于去英国留学的学生,可以选择报考UKIV的雅思(IELTSforUKVI),也就是说,雅思考试用于英国移民和签证,方便以后申请语言课程,价格比雅思便宜几十。(二)入学考试1.GREGRE它是美国大学研究生的英语入学考试,适用于除商业和法律以外的所有专业。GRE考试重要考察申请人的基本语言能力以及对英语语言理解的深度和广度。2.GMATGMAT是申请国外工商管理研究生的入学考试。考试内容包括写作。数学和语文,总分800分,一般商学院入学分数在550-600分左右,知名商学院入学分数可能在650分以上。3.LSATLSAT是法学院研究生入学水平考试,考试分为写作四部分.阅读.逻辑与分析推理,满分180分,最低录取要求120分左右。4.SATSAT由美国大学委员会组成(College Board)主办的考试成绩是世界各地高中生申请美国大学入学资格和奖学金的重要参考。ACT(AmericanCollegeTest)它们都被称为美国高考。2016年改革后的新改革。SAT总分1600分,分为阅读.文法与数学三部分,写作改为选考。由写作改为选考。ETS承担他们的命题和标记。但它们只是招生时参考的材料之一,不能承受完全决定性的因素,其结果有效期为2年。5.SSATSSAT,全称Secondary School Admission Test,中文名称为美国中学入学考试,适用于美国.加拿大私立中学的入学是申请人必须具备的考试成绩。主要测量学生的数学.语文和阅读理解能力,考察考生的逻辑思维和发展潜力。AdmissionTestBoard命题。不同年龄的学生,SSAT考试分为高级(upperlevel)和低级(lowerlevel),前者针对8-11年级的学生,后者针对5-7年级的学生。6.APAP课程是指针对性的AP目前,许多考试科目的教学指导都是以考试科目为基础的。Calculus AB(微积分AB).Calculus BC(微积分BC).Statistics(统计学).Physics B(物理B).Macroeconomics(宏观经济学).Microeconomics(微观经济)几门课程为主。AP是AdvancedPlacement缩写,中文一般翻译成美国大学或美国大学的预修课程。指美国大学理事会理事会。(TheCollegeBoard)高中提供的大学课程。美国高中生可以选修这些课程,完成课业后参加。AP考试,取得一定成绩后可获得大学学分。二、留学申请流程确定你想去的国家考虑你想去的国家,结合你的专业和未来的发展方向,确定适合你的国家。了解留学费用基本上所有的大学都有奖学金,成绩越好,申请的奖学金就越多。如果是全额奖学金,那么你的学费和生活费就会下降。考试准备出国留学,需要准备必要的考试。现在出国留学需要托福考试。TOEFL,雅思IELTS,GRE,GMAT,SAT,ACT等待其中的一些项目。每所学校对考试成绩都有一定的要求。提前拿高分有助于以后的择校定位。如果在申请截止日期前没有拿到规定的最低分,学生也可以申请双录取或语言课程。选学校前面的准备工作是选择学校,一般是根据你国内的学校背景,GPA选择成绩、语言成绩和科研背景。例如,法学生基本上会考虑在美国学习法律,对商业感兴趣的学生会选择英国,酒店专业会考虑瑞士。找到你的学校很重要。文件及申请材料这一步非常重要。学校的招生老师看不到你。这份材料是你自己的全部体现。因此,建议根据不同学校的要求,找留学过的学长学姐进行英语写作。经济担保证明和申请申请人一般需要提供经济担保证明、相关银行存款单或亲友资助证明,金额至少为一年学费和生活费。准备好后,申请材料将于11月左右发出。准备面试有些学校会有电话面试环节,所以在12月之前,学生应该准备专业知识练习和口语练习,接到电话后不要紧张,表现出自信,正常水平一般没有问题。等待OFFER面试结束后,直到明年3月,学生们将陆续收到offer,若收到几所大学offer,恭喜你,然后记住不要急于回应。你可以比较几所大学的奖学金和学费,全面调查你的意愿,最后仔细决定去哪所大学。你必须回复你不想去的学校,告诉你你的真实意愿。申请护照,申请签证根据不同国家的签证要求,做好相应的准备。例如,在准备美国签证时,有一个面对面的签证链接。如果签证官觉得你的英语水平或经济条件不够,就有拒绝的风险。
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雅思IELTS 9分口语033. M1: In the first part I’d like to ask you some general questions about yourself. Let’s talk about your work or school. Are you a student or do you work?M2: I am a student.M1: And do you like your school?M2: Yeah, I like my school. I like studying there. But the actual building, the actual surroundings are nothing special. We tend to call it strand poly rather than King’s College.M1: And is there anything you would like to change about your school?M2: Aa, there is certainly a lot of things that could be changed about King’s College. To start with, as I said, it’s not the most beautiful place. Yet it is next to a wonderful London building called North hambling house. And ours looks drag and black by comparison. And apart from that we have very famous war studies department that actually trains a lot of rather dubious dictators and other characters from countries that I would rather not have my university trained people from. So there are a couple of issues I think we can change.M1: And how do you travel to school?M2: I walk across the bridge, because I live very close to King’s College in Waterloo. So I walk across Waterloo Bridge. And see the trail of drips of … and rather dubious fluids which you see lying on the roads there. So I walk because of short distance.M1: Mm.
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雅思IELTS 9分口语08Now we go to part 3 ,In talking about the problem of city and I’d like to ask you one or two more questions related to this.So let’s consider first of all the the development of cities.Could you examing the causes of urbanization? ““Well the causes of urbanization are basically industry revolution which started that I suppose in English cities ,but when Lundon’s east end industrialize.Then obviousely they need thousand of workers to run the factories,and the massive infrastructure of the pour city which is Lundon,which for certainly a century buziness world in a tired world.So the amount of people who had to come from the British countryside or from other countries altogether often places which have been colonize by Britain.These people were all drawn towards to the center of indurstry,and therefore we get two things happening with one of them is crowding ,therefore likeness for easily to transmitted deseases or just lack of cleanliness you might find.In the food market ,with too many rackes.But the other side of problem is so many communities is tirely different in their culture leaving nest door to each other .Sometimes this works very well,but other times we can see the ruptions vilence or mycotant among different social groups.And could you speculate on how the cities will develop in future?I think cities will probably develop a points.In the same way we have seen American citise.The buildings will become taller with better security gardes and more windows.So the people can live in the city ,with the convenience of local 7-11 without having to incounter the chorkblock streatside life you find any motoplous.Ok,And Lets talk some about globle issues.could you discribe how noticeable about the gap between the rich and the poor is in your country?Yes ,its certainly very noticable the problem who said the homeless that the people when we come out the opera.So in lundon ,particularly Manchester and Birmingham,you can really see a lot of people who are sleeping in the street.On newspapers right next to them ,extrimly weathy,lundon bankers or oil man people with sofas that people to people to carry their cout over the homeless people .So I think it’s obvious that the difference between rich and poor,particularly if you could go to the center of urbanize areas.And how worried are you about arising world temperatuers?Oh,I think its certainly worring,they trained the globle warming. So called .Also in other part of world will see “globle cooling”,so It’s not simply the idea .I am worried about the temperatures raising.If you look the center of cannada at the moment ,there’s massive colds now,which is hard than usually expected at this time of year.So I think the globle warming is more complex is just arising world temperatures .But certainly I am worried that we have done something to the balance of our world’s equality…how to say… that we must not be able to repare.Thank you ,that is the end of the speaking test.
88 评论


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