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1分钟前发布 -【BEC初级模拟试题8】http://www.sdrsks.org/ask 09月24日讯: BEC初级模拟试题8对话4A:你呆的时间长吗?B;不长,真遗憾,只呆两周。A:出差还是旅游?B:很可惜,是来出差的。我们公司想在东京设一个办事处。A;是吗?公司总部在哪儿?B:在底特律,差不多在美国中西部地区的北部。A:对,我知道那个城市。两年前我去过。B:呀,是吗?……对话5A:我想你是搞时装的吧。B:对,搞设计的。A:太巧了。我妻子也是搞时装设计的。B:哦,希望能见到她。A:你一定要找个晚上来吃饭。B:好呀。A:嗯,本周过些时候我们定个日子吧。Exercises-A匹配练习。请从a-h的回答中找出1-8问题的得体应答。1. How 's business?2. How do you like it here?3. How was the conference?4. What did you think of the meeting?5. What was the hotel like?6. How are the job interviews going?7. How did the exam go ?8. How's the stock check getting on?a. Not bad. It was quite comfortable.b. Terrible! I could answer only one question.c. So so. Our sales are down this year.d. Not very useful-a lot of talk, but no decisions.e. OK. We have only two more candidates to deal with.f. Quite good. There were some interesting speakers there.g. It's great! I'll be sorry to go back.h. Very well. We hope to finish Warehouse B this afternoon.Exercises-B用括号中的词或短语翻译下列句子。1. 两个陌生人在尽量寻找双方都感兴趣的话题。(try to, of common interest)2. 你觉得伦敦怎么样?(find)3. 你住在哪家旅馆?(stay)4. 你有时间游览纽约吗?(find time)5. 很遗憾,我只能在中国呆两周(unfortunately, a couple of)6. 我们将在东京设办事处。(set up an office)7. 你们公司的总部在哪儿?(based)8. 太巧了!我也是设计师。(coincidence)Exercises-C在会议室晨,你与一位美国客户邻座。休息的时候你想和她交谈,但你们并不认识,该用哪句开场呢?1. Hello. Where are you from?2. Hello. Where are you going?3. Hot weather, isn't it?Exercises-D在飞往纽约的飞机上,A、B两人尝试着开始交谈。请问,为什么他们的谈话进行不下去了?如果你是B,你将怎么样推动谈话?A:Are you going to New York too?B:Yes.A;For pleasure?B:No. For business.A:Is it your first to America?B:Yes.A:Have you been to many other places in the world?B:Not many.( silence )Translation在商品交易会的休息室里,两个素不相识的人交谈起来。甲:这是你第一次参加这个交易会吗?乙:对,希望不是最后一次。甲:有时间看所有的展品吗?乙:嗯,只看了中国产的丝绸。甲:有兴趣吗?乙:有。实际上,我是丝绸进口商。甲:真的吗?太巧了,我的厂子生产高质量的丝绸。乙:太好了,我们定个时间看一下样品吧。你们工厂在哪儿?甲:在苏州。我可以带你参观一下。
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BEC初级模拟试题11Exercises从a-j中选出合适的应答填在(1)-(10)处,完成下列对话。答案可以不止一个。1.A:I'm afraid I've forgotten the form you asked for.B:(1) Bring it to me next time.A:I'm sorry to give you so much trouble.B:(2)2.A:Oh, I'm sorry, Mr. Smith. I forgot yesterday was your birthday.B:(3)A:But I should have thought of it and…B:(4) We are all busy these days.3.A:Would you mind if I had some time off?B:When exactly?A:Monday and Tuesday next Week.B:(5)[肯定](6)[否定]4.A:I'm wondering if I could borrow your computer.B:For how long?A:Until the end of next week.B:(7)[肯定](8)[否定]5.A:I am running a fever, I'm afraid. I won't be able to go office today.B:Oh, Mary, (9) Please don't worry about your work. I'll take care of it.A:(10)B:It's a pleasure.a. That's very kind of you.b. I'm sorry. I'll have to use it during next week.c. I'm sorry to hear that. Take a good rest.d. Ok, I think that would be all right.e. No problemf. Never mind about that.g. I'd like to say yes, but it's just not possible, for we really need hands next week.h. That's quite all right.i. No trouble at all.j. It's really OK.Translation罗斯:汤姆森先生,你愿意和我一起去参加音乐会吗?汤姆森:我当然愿意去。但是今天早晨我的车又坏了。如果我们坐公共汽车去你介意吗?罗斯:当然不介意。汤姆森先生:现在时间还早,一起去吃点东西好吗?罗斯:好。(吃饭以后)汤姆森:希望这顿饭合你的胃口。罗斯:这饭很可口。Key to Exercise(1)-f .h .j (2)-i (3)- f. h. j (4)- j. h. (5)- d.e.(6)- g. (7)- d.e. (8)-b. (9)- c. (10)- a.Key to TranslationRose: Mr. Thomson, would you like to go to a concert with me?Thomson: I'd love to. But my car broke down again this morning. Do you mind if we go by bus?Rose: No, of course not.Thomson: It's still early now. How about getting something to eat together?Rose: Great!(After dinner)Thomson: I hope you enjoyed the dinner.Rose: That was a delicious meal最新商务英语BEC初级模拟试题12商务英语考试网 更新:2011-8-28 编辑:梓淇Unit 5Company organizationPresenting the company1. Listening Listen to the presentation about Rossomon Plc. As you listen, complete the organization Chart below.Listening TaskI'd like to say a few words about the organizational structure of Rossomon. Now, if you look at the transparency you will see that the Managing Director, that is Mr. Bunce, is responsible for running the company and is accountable to the Board.Now, he is assisted by four executive departments. These are Human Resources, which is responsible for personnel, training and management development; then there is the Finance Department which takes care of corporate finance and accounting; next, we have the Management Services Department, led by Peter Jenkins who is in charge of rationalization throughout the company; and finally there is the R&D Department- research and development-which works closely with the five regions on new product development.So this then brings me on to the regions. Directly under the Managing Director there are five Regional Managers. Each of them is responsible for the day-to-day management of a territory-these are geographically split into North, South, East, West, and Central Regions.Now then, the five regions are supported by two sections-Marketing and Technical Services. They are organized on a matrix basis with section leaders accountable to the Regional Managers. They work closely with the regions on the marketing and technical side.Now, in addition to the parent company, Rossomon has three subsidiaries, namely Rossomon France, Germany and Japan. The subsidiaries report to the Export Sales Department, which in turn is accountable to the Board.Right, well that's a brief overview. Are there any questions?2. Presentation This section demonstrates some of the language used to describe an organization in terms of:# Hierarchy# Responsibilities/functions# Titles# Affiliates# Structure2.1 HierarchyThe company is headed by the MD.The Sales Director reports to the MD.The Sales Director is under the MD.The sales Director is accountable to the MD.The Sales Director is supported by a sales team.The Sales Director is assisted by an Assistant Sales Manager.2.2 Responsibilities/ functionsThe finance Department is responsible for accounting.The R&D (Research and Development) Department takes care of new product development.The Administration Manager is in charge of personnel.2.3 TitlesBelow are the main managerial titles with the US equivalents in brackets:Chairman (President)Managing Director (chief Executive Officer/Senior Vice- President)Finance Director (Vice-President-Finance)Sales Manager (Sales Director)2.4 AffiliatesX is the Parent company.A, B and C are subsidiaries (more than 50% owned by the parent)The Car Division consists of the Production Department and the Sales Department.The Production Department comprises the Methods Section and the Maintenance Section.The Sales Department is made up of the Advertising Section and the After-sales Section.3. Controlled practiceUse the organization chart in the Listening section and the language in the Presentation section to complete these sentences.1. The Managing Director ___________________ to the Board.2. The Managing Director ___________________ for running the company.3. The Managing Director ___________________ by four executive departments.4. ______________the Managing Director, there are five regional divisions.5. Each regional Manager _________________ of a territory.6. The five regions ________________by two other sections-Marketing and Technical Services.7. The Section Leaders ______________to the Regional Managers.8. In addition to the ____________company, Rossomon has three____________.9. The subsidiaries ___________Rossomon France, Rossomon Germany and Rossomon Japan.10. The subsidiaries ______________to the Export Sales Department.课文注释及词汇讲解* words 几个字,几句话eg. I'd like to say a few words about the new plan.我想就新计划谈几句。
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最新商务英语BEC初级模拟试题(9)David Lloyd Leisure PLCIf you had considered where to invest your money ten years ago, the leisure industry might not __0__ immediately sprung to mind. It seems that David Lloyd, the former Davis Cup tennis player, knew better. His company was floated in March 1993 and shares could have been sold seven times __31__. The launch of the first club took place in Heston in 1982, __32__when a further six have opened, the __33__recent in Glasgow. With the profit from the flotation, a strong cash flow and existing banking facilities, the company is in a position __34__open two new centers a year.The company expects to spend around£5 million developing each new club. New locations are currently __35__ sought in Birmingham Bristol and Manchester. In addition, planning application has been submitted for a site in Beckenham, South London and despite this very rapid progress, David Lloyd is keen to expand even __36__ quickly, saying “the market is totally underdeveloped.”Initial joining fees account __37__ over 50% of turnover and at the time of flotation the club has some 33,000 family, individual and corporate members.As might __38__expected, all the clubs have indoor tennis facilities, but these take up a large area in relation __39__the number of customers, club would not be profitable through tennis alone. As a result, they are moving away from racquet sports and putting greater emphasis on other areas, __40__ as fitness clubs with gyms and swimming pools
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最新商务英语BEC初级模拟试题5* I'm afraid… 我恐怕……,恐怕是……[有时可以不直译]该句式用于缓和语气或婉转地表达想法,也可以用于表示不肯定的语气。Eg. I'm afraid I can't come on Friday afternoon, because I will be having a meeting then.因为要开个会,周五下午我恐怕不能来。* set up 建立,设立eg. We are going to set up a new plant in this area.我们打算在这个地区建一座新工厂。* be based 总部设在……eg. Where is your company based?你们公司的总部设在哪儿?* sort of 有点,稍微 [多用于口语]eg. I'm sort of surprised.* north mid-west of the States 美国中西部的北部mid-west 中西部注意:在英语中东北、东南、西北、西南分别为northeast, southeast, northwest, southwest, 与汉语习惯不同。* be in fashion [在本课指]从事时装行业;(通常指)时髦,流行eg. I'm in fashion-on the design side.我从事时装行业-搞设计的。Mini-skirts were in fashion last summer.去年夏天流行迷你裙。* coincidence 巧合eg. You are also from New York? That's really a coincidence.你也从纽约来?真是太巧了。* fix up 安排,定好(时间、地点等)eg. Let's fix up a date to have dinner together.我们定个日子一起吃饭吧。* traditional 传统的eg. I thought Atlanta world be more traditional.我原以为亚特兰大会更加传统一点儿。注意:这里 I thought 为过去时,表明"我原以为,现在不这样认为了"。若用了 I think则意味着"我一直这样认为,现在也是"。* show sb. around 带某人参观eg. The visitors are shown around the new plant by the director himself.来访者由厂长亲自带着参观新工厂。* That's a pity.真可惜。* line (一般在商务英语中)行业eg. What line are you in ?你从事什么行业?* local papers 当地的报纸paper是newspaper的省略说法。Paper当"报纸"的意思讲时是可数名词,此处的复数形式表明是"各种各样的报纸"。Unit 3听力译文:对话1A:你第一次来日本吗?B:是的。A:你喜欢这儿吗?B:是的,我觉得很有趣。A:再喝一杯吗?B:谢谢。对话2A:旅途愉快吗?B:很愉快,谢谢。A:你觉得东京怎么样?B:很有趣。A:你住在哪家旅馆?B:谢拉顿旅馆。对话3A:你第一次来日本吗?B:是的。希望不是最后一次。A:很高兴听你这么说。有时间到处看看吗?A:嗯,我参观了园林。A:哦,你对园林感兴趣?B:对。实际上,这是我的业余爱好。A:也是我的业余爱好……
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