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1分钟前发布 -【2017职称英语理工A翻译练习-6】http://www.sdrsks.org/ask 09月24日讯: 2017职称英语理工A翻译练习-6Spacing in AnimalsFlight DistanceAny observant person has noticed that a wild animal will allow a man or other potential enemy to approach only up to a given distance before it flees. “Flight distance” is the terms used for this interspecies spacing. As a general rule, there is a positive relationship between the size of an animal and its flight distance—the larger the animal, the greater the distance it must keep between itself and the enemy. An antelope will flee when the enemy is as much as five hundred yards away. The wall lizard’s flight distance, on the other hand is about six feet. Flight is the basic means of survival for mobile creatures.Critical DistanceCritical distance apparently is present wherever and whenever there is a flight reaction. “Critical distance” includes the narrow zone separating flight distance from attack distance. A lion in a zoo will flee from an approaching man until it meets a barrier that it cannot overcome. If the man continues the approach, he soon penetrates the lion's critical distance, at which point the cornered lion reverses direction and begins slowly to stalk the man.Social DistanceSocial animals need to stay in touch with each other. Loss of contact with the group can be fatal for a variety of reasons including exposure to enemies. Social distance is not simply the distance at which an animal will lose contact with his group—that is, the distance at which it can no longer see, hear, or smell the group—it is rather a psychological distance, one at which the animal apparently begins to feel anxious when he exceeds its limits. We can think of it as a hidden band that contains the group.Social distance varies from species to species. It is quite short—apparently only a few yards—among some animals, and quite long among others.Social distance is not always rigidly fixed but is determined in part by the situation. When the young of apes and humans are mobile but not yet under control of the mother's voice, social distance may be the length of her reach. This is readily observed among the baboons in a zoo. When the baby approaches a certain point, the mother reaches out to seize the end of its tail and pull it back to her. When added control is needed because of danger, social distance shrinks. To show this in man, one has only to watch a family with a number of small children holding hands as they cross a busy street.参考译文:动物的空间距离逃离距离一些善于观察的人已经注意到一只野生动物只让人或其他潜在的敌人在特定的距离内接近它,然后它便会逃走。“逃离距离”是用来描述这种物种间的空间距离的术语。一般说来,动物体积与其逃离距离之间成正比关系~^动物的体积越大,和敌人保特的距寓就越大。当敌人离羚羊500码远时,羚羊就会逃离。另一方面,壁虎的逃离距离大约6英尺。逃离是动物生存的基本手段。,关键距离关键距离显然与逃离行为的时间和地点有关。关键距离指的是逃离距离和进攻距离之间的狭窄区域。动物园的狮子会躲开接近它的人,直到它遇到不可跨过的障碍物才停步。如果那人继续朝它走去,他就很快地进入了狮子的关键距离,这时无路可走的狮子会调转方向,开始慢慢逼近那个人。相聚距离群居动物需要相互之间保持联系。和群体失去联系会因为各种原因(包括面临敌人)而导致不幸。相聚距离不仅仅是动物和群体失去联系时的距离——也就是说,在这个距离它不再能看到、听到或闻到群体——确切地说,它更是一种心理距离,一种当动物超越它的限度后会明显感到焦虑的距离。我们可以认为它是一条控制群体的隐形带。相聚距离会因动物种类不同而有差别。对一些动物而言,相聚距离非常近,仅有几码远。但其他动物的相聚距离会非常远。相聚距离不是一成不变的,而是部分地取决于环境。当无尾猿和人类的幼儿会活动,但还不受母亲言语控制时,相聚距离是她手臂够得着的长度。从动物园的狒狒,我们很容易看到这点。当小狒狒走到某个位置时,狒狒妈妈会伸出手来,抓住小狒狒的尾巴,把它拖回身边。因为危险而需要加强控制时,相聚距离就会缩小。要在人类身上证明这点,你只要观察一个有许多孩子的家庭就行了。当孩子们横过」条繁忙的街道时,他们会互相牵着手。
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2017职称英语考试理工类短语(5)deduce from演绎,推断deviate from背离,偏离dispose for布置,安排dwell on凝思;详述impose on把...强加给originate in/from起源,发生;首创,创造preside at/over主持reconcile to/with使一致restrain from抑制,制止scrape through擦过,勉强通过hinder from阻止,妨碍intervene in干涉,干预;插入participate in参与,参加;分享prevait over/against取胜,占优势;流行,盛行reign over统治;盛行sacrifice for,to牺牲,献出j献祭specialize in专攻,专门研究,专业化testify t0证明,证实queue up排队,排队等待correspondence with通信dependence on依靠;依赖;信赖exposure to受到
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2017职称英语理工A翻译练习-4Some things we know about languageMany things about language are a mystery, and many will always remain so.But some things we do know.First, we know that all human beings have a language of some sort.There is no race of men anywhere on earth so backward that it has no language, no set of speech sounds by which the people communicate with one mother.Furthermore, in historical times, there has never been a race of men without a language.Second, there is no such thing as a primitive language.There are many people whose cultures are undeveloped, who are, as we say, uncivilized. but the languages they speak are not primitive.In all known 1anguages we can see complexities that must have been tens of thousands of years in developing.This has not always been well understood;indeed, the direct contrary has often been stated. Popular ideas of the 1anguage of the American Indians will illustrate.Many people have supposed that the Indians communicated in a very primitive system of noises.Study has proved this to be nonsense.There are, or were, hundreds of American Indian languages, and a11 of them rum out to be very complicated and very old. They are certainly different from the languages that most of us are familiar with, but they are no more primitive than English and Greek.A third thing we know about language is that all languages are perfectly adequate.That is, each one is a perfect means of expressing the culture of the people who speak the language.Finally, we know that language changes.It is natural and normal for language to change; the only languages which do not change are the dead ones.This is easy to understand if we look backward in time.Change goes on in all aspects of language.Grammatical features change as do speech sounds, and changes in vocabulary are sometimes very extensive and may occur very rapidly.Vocabulary is the least stable part of any language.参考译文:我们知道的关于语言的一些事情许多关于语言方面的事情还是一个谜,而且将永远是一个谜。但是有些事情我们是知道的。首先,我们知道所有人类都有某种语言。世界上没有哪一种族落后到没有语言,没有人们用于交流的一套声音语言。历史上也没有哪个种族没有自己的语言。其次,没有原始语言这种东西。许多人的文化不发达,按照我们的说法,他们是不文明的。但是,他们说的语言则不是原始的。在我们所知道的语言中,我们都可以看到它们经历了几万年发展历程的复杂性。’这并不总是那么易于理解。的确人们常常提出完全相反的观点。人们对美印第安人语言的普遍看法就很能说明问题。许多人都认为印第安人用非常原始的声音系统进行交流。研究结果已经证明那全是瞎说。美印第安人语言有几百种,且所有这些语言都被证明是很复杂和古老的。它们虽然不同于我们大多数所熟悉的语言,但是它们同英语和希腊语一样不是原始的语言。关于语言我们知道的第三件事是所有的语言都是完全能够满足需要的,也就是说,每一种语言都能满足说这种语言的人们表达其文化的需要。最后,我们知道语言是变化的。语言变化是很自然的和正常的,二成不变的语言是死语言。只要我们看一看过去就会发现这是很好理解的。语言在各方面都在发生变化。语法特点就像语音一样变化。词汇方面的变化有时是非常广泛和迅速的。词汇是任何语言中最不稳定的部分。
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