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1分钟前发布 -【BEC高级词汇(2)】http://www.sdrsks.org/ask 09月24日讯: BEC高级词汇(2)access fee 使用费例:They have cut the access fee long-distance providers pay to local phone companies.account 1 账户例:When the debt is cleared- as it must be by the time the customer retires- and the account goes into credit, it will attract interest at about 5 per cent.account 2 客户,生意往来关系例:The firm is one of our major accounts.accountancy 会计工作例: To her, accountancy was a means to find out about business and be paid at the same time.accounts 1 账目例:The financial director was accused of falsifying the company accounts.accounts 2 会计部门 即 accounts department例: She works in accounts.accounts manager 会计部经理accounts payable 应付账款例: Accounts payable is created when a firm deals with suppliers who extend credit.accounts receivable 应收账款例: Assets include cash, accounts receivable, inventory, property and equipment, and patents.achievable 切实可行的,可达到的例: Your objectives should be relevant to the job you have applied for and achievable.acquire 购入,取得所有权例: This is Cussons' newly acquired factory in Poland.acquisition 收购例: The accelerated rate of globalisation has left companies desperately seeking overseas acquisitions in order to remain competitive.acquire 购入,取得所有权例: This is Cussons' newly acquired factory in Poland.acquisition 收购例: The accelerated rate of globalisation has left companies desperately seeking overseas acquisitions in order to remain competitive.across-the-board 全面,全体例1: They have decided to increase prices by 4% across-the-board.例2: To save money, identify current problems, and make the old company more dfficient, the new president ordered an across-the-board examination of expenditures and operational procedures in every department.action figure (仿真)玩具人,活动人activewear 运动服例: Lauren has been making activewear and basics like jeans and leather jackets for almost a quarter of a century.activity 经营项目, 经营业务例: The main activities of the company are manufacturing computer components and direct retailing to consumersAchilles' heel 原意为阿基里斯的脚踵,引申为致命弱点例: However, an Achilles' heel can usually be found that allows the headhunter to persuade them that they are, in fact, wanting to change.acid test 决定性的考验例: The acid test is whether or not somebody will actually buy the product.act of God 不可抗力, 天灾, 亦作 force majeure.例1. Private householders or businessmen insure against burglary, loss or damage by vandalism or "acts of God".例2. The insurance policy does not cover acts of God.actuals 实际数字(相对于估计的数目)例: These are the actuals for last year's turnover.actuary 精算师(受雇于保险公司或退休基金公司,根据死亡率和意外事故、火灾、盗窃等的可能性,估计保险风险和费用)例:Actuaries spend their time working out whether or not an accident will happen and how much it will cost if it does.adaptation 重新打造以适应本土化例1:Adaptation may need to be made in branding, labeling, and packaging of the product.例2:Potential risk refers to the level of adaptation required to enter foreign markets.added value 增加值,增值例:An important aspect of marketing goods like CD players and televisions is possible added value, such as free videos or CDs.addition (某一产品系列中的)新增产品例:The KR 700 is the latest addition to our range of fax machines.Additional Benefit Funding 附加福利基金(专款)例:You will be able to use as much as you like of your Additional Benefit Funding to "buy" benefits.
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高级BEC的话要准备多久啊?准备2个月 应该没问题。我也是英语专业的 刚毕业,也过了专八。我2010年11月份考得时BEC中级,因为当时没有partner,没有买书,只是向书馆借了部分的书,也没有报班,我是个男生,贪玩10月1号要去玩,大概也就复习了一个多月吧。刚刚拿了个C考高级也不能像我一样 ,要好好备战,英语专业的底子 都不错的,尤其还是爱学习,想提高自身英语水平的学生。还有就是准备一下听力和口语把,听力是中国人的通病,不是很容易的,不过你的听力底子挺好。应该可以的。口语自己底子还行的话,加强一些商务知识和礼节,还有一些巨型就可以了,注意啊 考试最好找一个partner 这样口试就容易通过些,也就是说找你认识的人一起报名,这样你们平时就可以练练,我大四考的BEC 没找搭档,也没报班,没有买资料,就是上书馆看了一些书,(只有刚刚得个C 刚过,嘿嘿 小遗憾)其实说白了书里也没啥玩意儿,主要是真题把,做3,4遍,我做了2遍还是有做错的,但是每次做的时间要隔得长一些哦,写作临考前看一下格式,还有模版就行,真题买人民邮编出版的,权威哦,资料和书的话可以上淘宝网买盗版的,都一样其实,直接输入BEC中级资料全套就可以,价格一般在70左右吧,好像是9本还是7本,忘了,我没买,我是从我学校的书馆借得书。不用在意的,阅读的话,临考前一个月狂做吗,有感觉就对了.给你个论坛是大家网,有BEC中级的资料很全的,祝你考试愉快哦!有问题继续问吧,随时为你提供解答。这是我推荐的书籍首先是那经科出版社的BEC中级学生用书和配套磁带 现在有第三版的2、经科出版社的同步辅导最好是买下来,你看课文的时候可以对照着看。3、人民邮店出版社的历年真题(最好的真题书了,当练习做,一本厚厚的大概有四次真题可做)总共4本,必须反复做,模拟题就不用买了,偏简单!4、PASS BEC中高级口语手册(奉劝你~最好是买了,因为面试的时候你要背商务句型备用)这本书很好的 平时要多练都背得句型。5、新东方BEC高级词汇书(小小的,携带方便,包括了考试中所能遇到的99%的单词)6. BEC 高级指导手册(听力部分)。淘宝上有盗版的书,大概七八十块吧。没有什么区别的,可以买来看一下。
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BEC高级词汇(7)angle 投资天使,对个人投资者(private investors)的别称,也叫 angel invester例1:It's important to start networking to find an angel long before you actually need the capital.例2:Angel investor: An individual investor who has made one or more equity investments in emerging growth technology firms.annoyance 令人讨厌的人或事例:The target market has viewed the ad so many times that it no longer makes a positive impression, and, in fact, it may make a negative impression in the form of an annoyance.annual general meeting 年度股东大会(根据法律规定每年举行,出席的包括公司成员,股东和董事),简称AGM.口语里也称the yearly shareholders' meeting.例: The financial results will be announced at the annual general meeting.annualization 年工时制例: She also said companies might be able to implement the government's measures based on the "annualization" of working hours rather than a calculation week by week.annual production 年产量例: Within five years annual production went from 20 000 to 230 000 cars and the company founded its first South American subsidiary.annual profit 年收益,年利润例: The company produces an annual profit of 25 million.annual report 年报例: An annual report is a document which tells you about the company's performance over the year.appointment 任命,(聘任的)职位例: There has been a new appointment to the board.appraisal 评价,评估例: annual appraisal interviews 年度能力评估面试appointed 1 任命的例1: Measures are taken to ensure that newly-appointed members of staff are integrated effectively into existing teams. annual return 年度报表例: We are in the middle of making our annual return.answering machine 录音电话,等于(英)answerphone例1:There were three messages on the answering machine.例2:The answerphone has fourteen minutes' recording time, which is a bonus for any business.
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BEC高级词汇(13)Backer 资助人e.g. For thirty years, this wealthy American businessman was the backer of this enormouslyexpensive project of photographing.30年来,这位美国富商一直是这项耗资巨大的摄影计划的资助人。Backlog 积压e.g. we are now faced with a sizeable backlog of orders. 目前我们面临的积压定单数量巨大。Backpack 背包e.g. The backpack-type parachute, which is being marketed in the United States and Japan,has a $ 795 price tag and weighs four pounds.这种背包式的降落伞标价为795美元,有4磅重,目前正在美国和日本的市场推。Back pay 补发工资 (常为追补的加薪金额)e.g. She received 6 months’ back pay in here July pay packet. 她领到7月份工资时还同时收到6个月的补发工资。Backup 1 备份, 备用件e.g. Did you make up a backup copy? 你做了备份了吗?Backup 2 为……做备份,亦作back upe.g. You can backup accounting records, business plans charts, graphs or confidentialinformation on CDs for decades-safe and secure.你可以把帐目记录,业务计划,图表或机密情报备份到光盘上,可保证数十年安然无恙。Back-up facility 支持设备,辅助设备e.g. The latest development is the use of the virtual office to provide essential back-upfacilities to the self-employed.目前,虚拟办公室的最新进展是被用来为个体经营者提供基本的支持设备。Bad debt 坏帐, 呆帐, 倒账(无法收回的应收账款)e.g. The bank wrote off one million pounds in bad debt. 银行注销了100万的呆帐。Bad publicity 负面影响e.g. When they started to raise prices, they might create bad publicity, which would hurttheir brands. 当他们开始提价时,就可能造成负面宣传,损害其品牌。Baggage allowance 行李重量限额e.g. If the boss is traveling with a lot of heavy equipment he will probably exceed thebaggage allowance by the airline.假如老板携带很重的设备出差,很可能会超过航空公司规定的行李重量限制。Bagstuffer 公告传单, 小型宣传品,通常在街头散发或在付款台前塞进顾客购物袋。
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