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1分钟前发布 -【BEC商务英语活学活用:商务签证】http://www.sdrsks.org/ask 09月24日讯: BEC商务英语活学活用:商务签证Ⅰ.核心学习:商务签证Billy: What are you up to?比利:你最近怎么样?Michael: I am still preparing for my interview to get a visa to go to the USA. What are you up to?迈克尔:我还在为去美国使馆申请签证的面试做准备。你呢,在忙些什么?Billy: Nothing much.比利:没忙什么。Michael: Then why don't you give me a hand? I could use the help.迈克尔:那你为什么不帮帮我呢?以便我能够借助你的帮助。Billy: Your wish is my command.比利:随时听您的吩咐。Michael: Does that mean "anything for you?"迈克尔:意思是“anything for you”吗?Billy: You are very clever. You got it on the first try?比利:你很聪明。你是第一遍就猜对了吗?Michael: I hope I can get my visa on the first try too!迈克尔:我希望我能第一次申请就获得签证。Billy: Good luck. Let's start to study now.比利:祝你好运。现在让完美开始今天的学习吧。Michael: Sure, your wish is my command.迈克尔:随时听您的吩咐。Ⅱ.单词简析1) Host an employee : invite a worker and take care of him financially邀请员工赴国外工作ex:My company would like to host you as an employee at our USA office.我的公司将邀请你来我们设在美国的公司总部的办公室工作。2) Identification:(ID) : cards or documents that prove who you are, what your job is or where you live.身份证ex:Carry your identification card with you at all times.出门在外随时携带身份证。3) Marital status : are you married, divorced or single?婚姻状况ex:What is your marital status?你的婚姻状况?4) Outcome : the result, how a situation is resolved结果ex:I am sure the outcome will be a positive one.我相信会有一个好的结果。5) Temporary Visa : a short-term visa临时签证ex:I am applying for a temporary visa to visit Canada.我正在申请一个临时签证以便访问加拿大。6) Verification : something that can confirm a statement证明ex:I will need verification that you are a Chinese citizen.我需要证明你是中华人民共和国公民。Ⅲ.课文篇To find out if you are the best bet for a visa, the interviewer will ask some of the following questions. Remember to be as POSITIVE as possible in your answers. Always try to find the GOOD side in everything. Talk only about your best experiences, unless otherwise asked.为了了解你是否符合签证的种类,签证面试官会问你下面这些问题。牢记在回答问题的时候一定要正面回答。每件事情都有其正面,任何时候都要努力找到事物的正面。在签证面试的时候尽量谈论你最成功的经历,除非有其它的被问到。VISA INTERVIEWER QUESTIONS:a) What category will you immigrate under, Skilled Worker, Business or Family?b) Can you afford to live in the Western Country or will you be a financial burden to the government?c) Is your English good enough to communicate well in the new country?d) Do you plan to return to China or will you immigrate? What kind of VISA are you looking to get?e) Do you have a job, school or relatives waiting to assist you?f) Are you professional and business-like? Are you motivated enough?g) What is your marital status? Will your family go with you?h) What special skills do you have?i) Is there a good reason for you to be picked while so many others are not chosen?j) Do you have a criminal record? Have you ever broken the law?k) Is your application correct and truthful?签证面试问题:a) 你申请的移民属于哪个种类?是属于技术移民、投资移民还是家庭移民?b) 你是否能够负担在西方国家居住的生活费用或者你是否会成为那个国家政府的负担?c) 你的英语是否足够你在新的国家的人际交往?d) 你计划回中国吗?还是计划移民?你想申请哪一类的签证?e) 在新的国家,你是否有工作、学校或亲戚来资助你?f) 你是否表现得职业化?你是否有足够的动力?g) 你的婚姻状况如何?你的家人是否会跟你一起去?h) 你具备那些特殊技能?i) 你具备那些理由获得签证,而很多其他人却不能获得签证?j) 你是否有犯罪记录?你是否有违法行为?k) 你的申请材料是否正确无欺?NOTE: IF YOU ARE DENIED A VISA ON THE FIRST TRY BUT ARE POLITE AND KIND, YOU CAN ALWAYS TRY AGAIN. HOWEVER IF YOU GET ANGRY AND INSULT THE INTERVIEWER, YOU WILL BE NOT BE ALLOWED BACK.注意:如果你第一次签证被拒签,但是你表现得和气有礼貌,那么你还可以再去申请签证。然而,如果你因为被签证官激怒而对他们出口不逊,那么你就没有机会再返回来进行第二次签证申请了。Ⅳ.对话篇Coleman: What special skills do you have?考曼:你具备那些特殊技巧?Ray: I have had four American English teachers. I took part in a cultural exchange with many of them. Here are their references about my English and Business skills.李:我曾经受教于四位美国英语老师。我跟他们中的许多人都有跨文化交流。(这里是他们对我的英语和商务英语技巧的推荐信。)Coleman: I see, such references will help your chances to get the visa. To double-check, I must ask you if you have a criminal record. Have you ever been convicted of a crime in China?考曼:我知道了,这类的推荐信会增大你获得签证的机会。为了保险起见,我必须问你,是否你有犯罪记录。你是否曾在中国犯过罪?Ray: I am glad to say I have never broken the law. In addition, I have been studying the laws of the United States so that there will be no problem when I go there. I have been and always will be an honest, law-abiding man.李:我很高兴地说我从来都没有违法行为。而且我正在学习美国法律, 以便我在到达那儿后做一个知法守法的人。我一直是,而且将永远是诚实、守法的人。Coleman: Tell me if your wife and child plan to accompany you or visit you during your stay in the USA?考曼:请告诉我是否你的妻子与孩子在你访美期间将会去美国陪伴你?Ray: As my application states, I will go abroad alone. I plan to work hard and efficiently so I can come back quickly and become the manager of the Beijing Branch of Orphan Underground.李:我的签证申请书上已经提到,我将单独赴美。我准备努力和高效率地学习,以便我可以尽快地会到中国成为地下孤儿印刷公司北京分公司的经理。Coleman: Can you tell me what does Orphan Underground print?考曼:你能告诉我有关地下孤儿印刷公司的情况吗?Ray: I would be glad to. Orphan Underground prints creative books for children of all ages. Some are scary, some exciting, all are colorful. We take classic monster stories from the west and share them with the Chinese youth.李:很高兴我可以给您讲公司的情况。地下孤儿印刷公司为年龄不等的孩子印刷书籍。有些是恐怖故事,有些是惊险刺激的故事,所有的书籍都是彩色的。我们抽取西方的经典怪物故事,把他们出版印刷给中国的孩子看。Coleman: Well, that sounds easy. Why will you study for two years in the US?考曼:那听上去很简单,为什么你要在美国呆两年时间来学习呢?Ray: I will study how to manage the budget, copy right laws, computer graphics design and literature of American classics. Such an active learning atmosphere can only be found in the States.李:我将学习如何管理预算,写作版权法,电脑设计和美国经典文学。这样活跃的学习气氛只能在美国找到。Coleman: Are you aware many Chinese travel to the USA on temporary visas, then immigrate after that? Do you promise not to do that?考曼:你知道有很多中国人在获得临时签证去美国后就移民吗?你发誓你不会那样做吗?Ray: I can assure you I would never leave my family. As you can see from my application I have verification from my host company that they will be responsible for seeing that I return to China within two years.李:我向您保证我永远不会离弃我的家人。您从我的签证申请材料上可以看到,邀请我去美国的公司保证他们会负责我在两年的学习期满后回到中国。Coleman: Please sign this form saying you have not lied during the interview today or on your application. The truth is important to us.考曼:请在这张纸上签名,说明你在今天的签证面试或签证申请表上没有撒谎行为。您在签证申请面试时的诚实无欺是很重要的。Ray: Ditto, the truth is important to me too. It would be my pleasure to sign the form.李:是的,我也这样认为,诚实对我也很重要。在这张纸上签名是我的荣幸。Coleman: Do you have any questions for us?考曼:你还有什么问题想问我吗?Ray: Of course, thank you. Can you tell me anything else I can do to prepare myself to go abroad?李:当然,谢谢你。您能告诉我一些出国我还需要做哪些准备吗?Coleman: Your best bet is to start reading an American News Paper. Try to get a newspaper that is published near you destination. Baltimore, Maryland has a paper famous called the Baltimore Sun. Start reading it.考曼:你最好的准备就是现在开始读一些美国报纸。尽量找一些距你的目的地近的地方出版的报纸。马里兰州的巴尔的摩有一份报纸非常有名,叫作“巴尔的摩太阳报”。你可以开始阅读这份报纸。Ray: Also, sir, how long will it take you to make your decision on my visa?李:另外,先生,您需要多长时间就我的签证申请做出决定?Coleman: It will take about two to three weeks. We will call you with an answer.考曼:要两到三周的时间。一待有结果的时候我们会通知你。Ray: Thank you very much, sir. You have been more than helpful.李:谢谢您,先生。你可真的是太和蔼了。Coleman: Your welcome, Mr. Lee. But I am not promising anything.考曼:不客气,李先生。不过我可没有保证任何事情。
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BEC商务英语活学活用:Business CardI.核心学习:Business Cards商业英语-名片Michael: What are you doing, Billy? Your desk looks like a disaster zone.迈克尔:你在做什么,比利?你的桌子看起来像个灾区。Billy: I have a spare half-an-hour, so I thought I would organize my business cards.比利:我有半个小时的空闲时间,所以我想我要整理我的名片。Michael: I have never really understood what the point of name cards is.迈克尔:我从来都搞不太懂名片是干什么用的。Billy: Business cards have a long history and many, many uses.比利:名片的历史很长,而且用途很多很多。Michael: They might be good for you, but I am a hermit and never meet new people.迈克尔:它们对你来说可能是有用,不过我是个隐士,从不见新的人。Billy: If you worked in sales and marketing like me, you would find that names cards areindispensable.比利:如果你像我这样做营销工作,你就会发现名片是必不可少的东西。Michael: Maybe. But I don't think I need a small piece of paper to help people remember who I am.迈克尔:也许吧。不过我不认为我需要一张小纸片来帮助人们记住我是谁。Billy: That's probably true. I think that most people would try, but not be able to forget you!比利:那大概是真的。我想大多数人设法,但却没法忘掉你!II.单词解析1) Disaster zone: a place that has been hit by a bomb or other very large accident灾区:被炸弹击中或者发生其他大型意外事件的地方ex: My mother said that my bedroom looked like a disaster zone, so my dad made me clean it up.例句:我妈妈说我的卧室看起来像是个灾区,所以爸爸让我把它收拾干净。2) Hermit: a person who lives alone and never talks with people隐士:独自生活、从不和别人说话的人ex: Some days I dream of being a hermit and leaving all of the hassles of modern life behind me.例句:有时候我梦想做个隐士,把现代生活的所有这些烦杂事务抛在身后。3) Concocted: made or invented调制,调和,编造:做或者发明ex: I concocted a new alcoholic drink at the party last night, but I drank too many of them and now my head hurts.例句:昨晚我在派对上调了一种新酒,不过我喝得太多了,现在我头疼。4) Aristocrat: a member of the upper class of society贵族:上层社会的成员ex: The idea of social classes really makes me sick - I don't understand why aristocratstreat poor people so badly.例句:我真的很反感把社会分成三六九等-我不明白为什么贵族对待穷人那么坏。III.课文篇The French claim that visiting cards first appeared in their land in the seventeenth century while the Chinese seek to prove that visiting cards were invented by their ancestors shortly after they had concocted explosive powder. However, the first ever known sample of a visiting card, dating back to 1786, was found in Germany. Gradually, with the development of certain rules of use, the cards had become common by the nineteenth century.法国人认为拜访卡于十七世纪在他们的土地上率先出现,而中国人则设法证明拜访卡是在他们的祖先发明了火药后不久发明的。不管怎样,人们所知道的第一个拜访卡样本-追溯到1786年-出现于德国。慢慢地,随着某些使用规则的出现,到十九世纪时名片变得普遍起来。Do you know which corner of a visiting card you must fold when leaving it with a footman in order to indicate that you have called on to inquire after the master's health? No? Neither do I, but only a hundred years ago this knowledge was as vital for an aristocrat as dancing and polite conversation.你知不知道当你把拜访卡留与仆人时,为了暗示你来拜访过主人给他请安,你必须折叠拜访卡的哪一角?不知道?我也不知道,不过就在一百年以前这点学问对于贵族来说有如跳舞和有教养的交谈那样至关重要。Visiting cards used to be an indispensable attribute of the etiquette and the rules of their use were as sophisticated as those of cutlery. At that time visiting cards belonged to the notions of such consequence like title, rank, land, horses etc.过去拜访卡是礼节一个不可缺少的组成部分,而且它们的使用规则像餐具的使用规则那样复杂。在那个时候,拜访卡有如头衔、等级、土地、马匹等一样重要。First businessmen used their cards as marks of distinction and thus introduced the firstmodifications in their design. Later, as the growing demand for the cards boosted the development of the printing industry, more and more sophisticated card design patterns appeared.最早的商人将他们的卡片作为区别于他人的一个标志,因此在他们的设计中首先出现了修改。后来,随着名片需求的增加,推进了印刷工业的发展,出现了越来越多复杂的卡片设计图案。On the other hand, there appeared an ever-growing social group of private entrepreneurs who had a constant need to exchange their contact information. Thesepragmatic people started to print out their own cheaper business cards to give them at presentations, exhibitions, conferences etc.另一方面,私人企业家的社会团体也在日益增长。这些人需要经常交换他们的联系信息。这些注重实效的人开始印出自己便宜的名片,在见面、展览以及开会等场合送出。In the modern business card design, with its developed professional conventions, one can still detect the two conflicting approaches, the fanciful and the functional one. The purpose of the first approach is to show that there is nothing impossible for the card's owner. The more striking by its design and materials and the more sophisticated in its manufacturing technology, the card will be the better. What matters is the card's uniqueness. The content of the card does not matter much either.在现代名片设计中,随着其职业协定的发展,人们仍然可以察觉到互相矛盾的两个方面:装饰性与功能性。第一个方面的目的是为了炫耀对于名片主人来说没有什么是不可能的。设计与材料越精美,生产技术越复杂,名片就越好。重要的是名片的独特性。名片的内容也不太重要。The other approach, on the contrary, emphasizes functionality. It is the one that rules in the pragmatic West. And the English name of the item - "business card"- also focuses on its specific functionality. These cards are essential for those company workers that interact with clients. That is why, on the one hand, you can see a small clerk, a service engineer or even a heaver with his own business card and a head of the department without such if he or she does not interact with clients.另一个方面恰恰相反,强调功能性。注重实效的西方崇尚这一点。此外,名片的英文名-"business card"-也强调了它具体的功能性。这些名片对那些与客户有联系、在公司里工作的职员来说很关键。这就是为什么,一方面,你会看到一个小小的职员、一个维修工程师乃至一个搬运工都有他自己的名片,而另一方面,部门头头如果他/她不和客户打交道的话却没有名片。Business cards used to be made exclusively of stiff paper (card), but today come in materials from plastics to thin metals and even glass! A name or business card reflects the owner - it should represent visually the company or the person passing it. Take the time to have a closer look at your own cards and decide if they really suit you and your company.以前名片无一例外都是用硬纸来做成的(卡片),不过现在用来制作的材料很多,从塑料到薄金属片甚至玻璃!名片反映着主人的风格-在视觉上它应该代表着公司或给名片的人。仔细看你自己的名片,看看它是否真的适合你或者你的公司。IV.对话篇Jeff: Can I have one of your business cards please, Joan?杰夫:给我一张你的名片好吗,琼?Joan: I thought that I already gave you one?琼:我觉得我已经给了你一张?Jeff: You did, but someone stole my card organizer recently.杰夫:你给了,不过最近有人偷了我的名片夹。Joan: So you have lost all of your contacts?琼:这么说你丢掉了所有的联系方式?Jeff: No, I was lucky. I always make a copy of the name cards that I receive.杰夫:没有,我很幸运。我总是把我收到的名片做一个备份。Joan: That is a good idea. I lost some name cards last year and now I can't call some of my clients.琼:好主意。去年我丢了一些名片,所以现在我没法给我的一些客户打电话。Jeff: So will you give me a new name card?杰夫:那你会给我一张新名片吗?Joan: Sure, but try not to lose this one!琼:当然,不过不要把这张弄丢了!
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有人考BEC初级吗有用吗?考BEC初级,自学能够通过的。认真复习,吃透真题,bec其实考察的主要还是日常英语的听说读写能力,并不是专门考察商务知识,如果确实很担心自己的商务知识不够,可以看看介绍商务背景基础知识的书(中文的就可以了,英文的也可以)。考初级还是中级,要根据自己当前的英语水平,看适合哪一级别。BEC初级需要有公共英语四级的水平;中级需要有大学英语四级到六级的水平。BEC商务英语以适应职场生活的语言要求为目的,在工作中还是比较实用的。BEC初级考试教材:1.《新编剑桥商务英语学生用书(初级)(Pass Cambridge BEC Preliminary Student book)(第二版)》;2.《新编剑桥商务英语(学生用带)(初级)(Pass Cambridge BEC Preliminary)(第二版)》;3.《新编剑桥商务英语教师用书(初级)(Pass Cambridge BEC Preliminary Teacher’s Guide)(第二版)》。
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  • 托业和BEC哪个认可度更高?尤其在中资企业?


    风长无从剪 4人参与回答 2024-09-24
  • 考剑桥商务英语考试(BEC)中级一般需要多长时间准备,考过的同学能否介绍一些经验于我?

    考剑桥商务英语考试(BEC)中级一般需要多长时间准备,考过的同学能否介绍一些经验于我?一般三个月到半年时间 根据复习时间和个人能力决定 书和辅导资料的话 建议用经济科技出版社的新编剑桥商务英语的学生用书和自测题 考前用人民邮电出版社的剑桥BEC真题操练一下 真题要卡时间做的 口语的话用 剑桥商务英语高级(口语应试指南) 人民邮电出版社的 这些就足够了 祝你好运~。

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  • bec商务英语中级报考要求?


    黑夜亦亮丽 4人参与回答 2024-09-24
  • bec初级考试时间?

    bec初级考试时间?2021年5月15日。BEC分为BEC Preliminary, BEC Vantage和BEC Higher由低至高三个级别。每个级别分别描述英语学习者所具备的听、说、读、写四项技能。•建议考生比常规的口笔试到达时间再提前30分钟或更早到达考点,确保有足够的时间完成体温检测及防疫健康信息码(健康码)、通讯大数据行程卡(行程码)的检查等防疫流程,按时进入考场。

    穷得只剩一身霸气 4人参与回答 2024-09-24