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1分钟前发布 -【美国留学哪些专业比较容易申请?】http://www.sdrsks.org/ask 11月06日讯: 美国留学哪些专业比较容易申请?1、竞争最激烈的专业为:工商管理、医学类、金融、会计、市场营销、金融工程、心理学等;2、竞争较激烈的专业为:计算机科学与工程、电子工程、材料科学、信息科学、自动控制、智能化技术、航空航天技术、人工智能与认知科学、管理工程、经济学、食品科学、法律等;3、竞争性一般的专业为:系统科学、运筹学、建筑工程、机械工程、生物医学工程、环境工程、化工技术、分子遗传学、生物化学、免疫学、药物学、脑神经科学、犯罪心理学、比较文学、美国历史、政治学、社会学等;4、竞争较弱的专业为:数学、统计学、普通物理学、高能物理学、基础化学、天文学、地理学、地质工程、生理学、海洋生物学、动物学、植物学、农业科学、哲学、教育学、欧洲历史、印第安人历史、人类学、考古学、非洲历史等。关于美国留学专业以上竞争激烈程度的分类仅仅是相对的,针对博士的申请者,由于每年美国博士招生数量极其有限,任何专业的博士申请竞争都是非常激烈的,要求申请者有非常强的科研经历和学术背景;对于硕士申请者而言,尽管电子工程、计算机等专业竞争非常激烈,但由于美国招生量较大,相对来说申请难度一般,但诸如比较文学、考古学等冷门美国大学硕士专业申请人虽少,但与此同时美国录取的国际学生数量也非常少,所以申请难度反而比较大一些。
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个人常用留学申请文书范文2021个人常用留学申请文书范文Dear _,A lot of myths have been created about child prodigies, most of whom prove mediocre when they become adults. In China, there is a special place which train child prodigies not to end in mediocrity but in sustained excellence—_, the University of _. Having been a student from such a class, I would like to scale new heights of academic excellence by applying for a Ph.D. program in Electronic Controls from the esteemed _ University. I am not interested in being a child prodigy but in developing myself into an academic leader in tomorrow’s Electronic Controls research._ has produced the first generation of leading scientists of the People’s Republic of China, who in turn advocated the establishment of the _, with special support from the central government. What is special about _ is that it is a 5-year program instead of the usual 4-year program; its educational system is completely integrated with western system, with a unique curriculum, teaching programs, emphasizing the study of foundational courses of mathematics, physics, English, information science, interdisciplinary subjects. Students are encouraged to participate in advanced student research programs, involve in seminars and join faculty’s research projects. Above all, students are taught to cultivate innovativeness and team spirit.In this exceedingly competitive environment, everyone tries to be the better of the best. I am no exception. My entire undergraduate program in electrical engineering can be divided into three distinctive stages. For the first two years, I allowed my academic interests to develop freely by choosing a wide range of subjects so that I managed to lay a solid foundation. I liked to attempt at some tentative experiments through computer simulation, and program software to process experiment statistics so that I could improve my hands-on abilities. As I entered the third year, I started to focus on signal processing as my major and paid special attention to develop my computer skills. In one semester I took ten courses. But my hard efforts paid off. My GPA reached 3.24, ranking among top 20% among a total of 84 students.My real academic development happened in the last two years, when I was recruited in Oct. 2002 into the Communication and Signal Processing Laboratory of our university. There I attended many presentations, received technical trainings particularly designed for lab’s new comers, read a large quality of scholarly journals and technical literature, and cooperated with some outstanding doctoral and Master’s students in the lab. Since Feb. 2003, the director of the lab offered me an exception on account of my strong mathematics background by allowing me to participate in the regular seminars for doctoral students to discuss matrix theory and its application. On one of those seminars, I did a thematic presentation regarding the norms of vectors and matrices, which was warmly received. As an undergraduate, I made full use of those rare opportunities to cultivate my research potential.By far, my most important research achievement is my thesis that I independently completed from Jan. to August 2003. Entitled _, my thesis offers an in-depth analysis of the statistical characteristics of the amplitude phase position of the analog modulated signal under the AWGN interference. Based on this, I presented the new key feature values and the value threshold, with a study of the statistical characteristics of the values. Finally, I incorporated the novel idea of soft judgment in accordance with the large number principle and central ultimate limit principle. Unlike conventional algorithms, my algorithm took into account the effect of noise, applicable to low Signal/Noise Ratio (SNR) above 0db; the idea of soft judgment is absolutely original. Scored 95 /100, my thesis was given highly positive comments from my advisor who has recommended it to a leading scholarly journal for publication.Since September, I have been engaged in _. My responsibility in the research group is to simulate the process of the multi-resolutional detection of the watermark and select different threshold to analyze the error probability. The research group consists mostly of doctoral students from whom I have derived useful research experiences. By working in close collaboration with them, I have learned the importance of making concerted efforts for the fulfillment of a common objective.To undertake your Ph.D. program in electronic controls, I believe that, apart from my ample research experience, I have two unique advantages. First I have an unusually solid foundation in mathematics. My academic transcript indicates that I have excelled in Analysis Mathematics, Linear Algebra (whose textbook, written by senior professors of _ and Chinese Academy of Science, is said to be the most difficult in Asia), Ordinary Difference Equation Methods in Mathematics and Physics, Probability Theory, Mathematical Statistics, Stochastic Process, and Discrete Mathematical Structure. Your program in Electronic Controls poses very high requirements on the student’s mathematical aptitudes and my talents in mathematics will make me a strong candidate for your program.Next, as a student of electrical engineering, I have studied most of the specialized courses as required by your program. As a matter of fact, the courses in my undergraduate specialty of signal processing overlap heavily with your curriculum. My academic performance in Signals System (mostly about Fourier Transformation), Digital Signal Processing (which analyzes discrete signals and systems), and Statistical Analysis of Signals has been well above average. At present, I am self-studying several subjects on electronic controls. With those necessary preparations, I would like to identify Prof. _ as my potential advisor because the coursework I have done in the above-mentioned fields is extremely relevant to the Discrete Events Systems that Prof. _ specializes in.Among several _ universities that I apply for, I prioritize on _ University. As one of the three most prominent universities in _, your university has enjoying increasing academic reputation, especially in the field of engineering. Among a wide variety of research programs offered by the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, the largest department in the _ College of Engineering, I am most interested in Electronic Controls. I will first undertake a research-oriented Master’s program. I will start by taking specialized courses ranging from Control Systems II, Nonlinear Control Systems, Discrete Event Systems, Systems and Optimal Control, Identification and Adaptive Control, Stochastic Control, to Advanced Control System Design. Through coursework in those subjects, I expect to enrich my theoretical knowledge in Electronic Control. As my undergraduate research focused on Pattern Recognition, I believe I am well grounded for my future studies.The past century witnessed the entire process how the subject of control has evolved from the primitive use of feedbacks in windmills and steam engines to the modern theory and application in telecommunications and space process industry, with new components of digital computers. It represents a rather challenging discipline. It is my wish that I grow as this discipline itself grows.Yours sincerely,/shenqing/在美国怎样降低留学开销一、确认地域环境在美国,不同的州和城市经济的发展水平有差异,物价会受到很大的影响,所以即便是教学水平和实际排名差不多的学校,在专业学习的收费上,也会有比较大的不同。所以想省钱的学生,可以选择地理位置稍偏的城市,这样大家需要准备的学费会相对便宜不少,而可以受到的教学质量却不会有很大的不同,差异比较明显的会是生活基础设施的提供。此外大家还可以将自己的学习阶段进行划分,可以先去社区大学接受基础教育,然后再转入到自己心仪的院校,这样可以很好的省下一大笔开销,因为社区大学的学费是非常便宜的。二、准备奖金申请学生能够获取的项目类型一般有三种,包括比较适合美国学生的Need Based、适合各国留学生的Merit Based,以及适合能力出众的学生的Need Blind。大家在申请学校的时候,就可以咨询是否发放奖学金,有提供的话一定要努力申请;一般名额是按照学生的比例发放的,除了特殊项目之外,大部分都是根据学生的能力进行发放的。所以一般建议去官方的网站获取资源,能够为学生提供比较丰富奖学金的院校,应该是大家的首选,此外还要看政府提供给学校的资助和资金支持。三、购买二手书籍大家交给学校的学费中,是没有包括上课要使用的书的,所有的书籍都需要自行购买,这些并不会很贵,但是大家也可以从中省钱,因为这里的实体书籍是比较昂贵的。一般会建议大家去收购二手的书,或者直接去图书馆借阅,都是比较省钱的方式,大家也比较容易获取,求购二手书,可以去网站也可以直接找学长。美国留学面试主要考察什么1、考察你材料的真实性近年来由于留学生申请人数与日俱增,申请材料作假的事情我们已经屡见不鲜,前不久UCI在秋季开学之时就取消了500名学生的入学资格,其中有290名学生涉嫌成绩作假。所以高校在入学前会给留学生们设置最后这样一道“门槛”,招生官通过几个问题来检验你所提供材料的一致性和真实性。2、考察你的沟通能力很多面试官都发现,国内的学生往往拥有比较高的TOFEL成绩,但是难以摆脱Chinglish的思维,表达方面存在一定的欠缺。3、考察你和学校的match度在讲座中,导师把面试比喻成了一场“相亲”,“在面试过程中我们都是以基础的问题开始,随后就是自然而然的交流过程,这个过程就是我们彼此互相了解的过程,而在这个过程中我们就能判断彼此之间有没有缘分。”其实面试的意义之一,就是学校通过几个问题来看学生和我们是否匹配。4、考察你的独特性在信息发达的今天,网络上随便都能找到各种各样的面试模板,并且有很多留学生会根据通过面试学生的情况去刻意的“模仿”,于是每个人的课外活动背景和回答内容千篇一律,招生官在抉择的时候就变得尤其困难,因为每个孩子都差不多。于是在招生过程中我们就发现所有申请者没有什么较大的差异,然而我们最后选择的往往是那个和别人不一样的申请者。在我看来,最重要的是你是否有自我认知的能力,以及对社会,国家,世界奉献的愿景。美国留学哪些城市比较受欢迎一、波士顿作为麻省的首府,波士顿号称是全美高等教育水平的城市之一。这种说法可绝不是空穴来风,塔夫斯大学、波士顿学院、波士顿大学、布兰迪斯大学和东北大学等全美Top50的都是这里的老炮,走在街上和你擦肩而过的,十有八 九都是各校的精英。除此之外,波士顿在经济、文化和娱乐产业上也样样不落人后,可是说是全面发展、十项全能。二、纽约作为一座顶尖的国际化大都市,纽约名声在外,由来已久。发达的经济和文化产业离不开人才的推动,而哥伦比亚大学和纽约大学绝对是培养人才的摇篮。从这两所学校里不仅走出了众多商业奇才,还有多位美国总统,实力可见一斑。除了这两所顶尖,福特汉姆大学和叶史瓦大学也坐落于此,为众多学子提供了多样的选择。三、旧金山提到聚集地,怎么能少得了加州,而旧金山因坐拥两大世界知名高校:斯坦福大学和加州大学伯克利分校,轻轻松松在众多兄弟城市中拔得头筹。说起旧金山,你的第一印象是华人密集?没错,在旧金山华人占比总人口的10%以上;是高科技产业的天堂?也没错,因为硅谷的存在,在旧金山求学的学子备受雇主青睐。除此之外,旧金山还是一座气候宜人的海港城市,多民族和种族的人群融合在一起,每个月都有独具特色的文化节日,爱热闹的小伙伴可千万不要错过。四、华盛顿特区说到华盛顿,分不清华盛顿特区和华盛顿州的盆友们可以去自觉站墙角了。作为美国的首都和心脏,华盛顿特区不光扮演着政治中心的角色,在高等教育方面同样表现出色。高校方面,最为知名的是乔治城大学,据说很多驻美大使的孩子都就读这所学校,民间有贵族学校之称,F4之类的肯定是标配啦。除了乔治城大学,乔治华盛顿大学和美国大学也是非常不错的选择。五、芝加哥芝加哥是美国第3大城市和都会区,仅次于纽约和洛杉矶,但是在资源上却一点都不输人,甚至还更胜一筹。的就是芝加哥大学,仅次于普林斯顿和哈佛,录取难度也绝对可以排到全美前3。除此之外,还有排名14的西北大学,录取条件就稍微亲民一些,每年招收国际生的数量也相对较高。
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美国留学哪些学校接受我国的高考成绩? ?1、纽约大学纽约大学可是美国一所名校,被誉为“新常春藤”,在哲学、数学、医学、会计与金融、法律、表演艺术、计算机科学等多个学科拥有世界顶尖的学术资源。纽大的录取政策灵活,申请者提交高考成绩、高中成绩和高中毕业证明,所有材料必须由母校高中提交,非英文材料必须有官方的英语翻译文件。  2、旧金山大学旧金山大学地处湾区,周边经济发达,实习机会多(谷歌、领英、推特等硅谷公司),气氛活跃,还有数量可观的华人社区,很受留学生欢迎。申请该校,无需提供托福或SAT成绩,需及时提供高考成绩、高中会考成绩,递交后两周内,学校会安排一对一的面试,用来测试学生的英文水平。  3、杨百翰大学杨百翰大学(Brigham Young University,简称BYU)是一所私立四年制大学,成立于1875年,隶属耶稣基督后期圣徒教会,是全美最大的教会大学。最佳的学科是计算机科学、初级教育、工程、商科(尤其是会计),此外,大众传播和制造科技也备受学生的欢迎。学校不要求提交托福成绩,同时高考成绩达到550分或者是在校平均分达到80分以上也可以申请。  4、迈阿密大学迈阿密大学(Miami University)是世界著名高等学府,也是美国的公立常春藤之一,位于美国俄亥俄州西南侧的小城市牛津。国际学生不需要提供ACT或SAT成绩,但可以使用ACT或SAT来达到英语语言能力要求。该校的本科入学时间为每年的1月、5月和9月。针对高中生,根据学生英语能力的不同,该校提供三种录取方式:● 直接录取,入读大一:要求托福80,雅思6.5,多邻国110,以及高考英语125/150或100/120;● 学分双录,即学分课程(12个学分)和英语课程同时就读:要求托福60,雅思5.0,多邻国90,以及高考英语115/150或95/120;● 语言强化:低于上述语言要求的学生,还可以选择就读不含学分的位于迈阿密大学米德尔顿和汉密尔顿校区的ELS(English Language Center)提供的语言强化课程。  5、俄勒冈大学美国唯一一个隶属于大学的大型音乐节俄勒冈巴赫音乐节是由俄勒冈大学捐赠资助的项目。俄勒冈大学的强势专业有:生物、商科、环境法、教育、地质学、物理学、心理学和体育营销等。俄勒冈大学的申请流程十分简单,只需要提交高考成绩和高中的成绩单。面试也会在中国进行,学校会派专人进行答疑解惑。  8、特拉华大学位于特拉华州纽瓦克市,公立研究型大学,公立常春藤大学之一,在学术界在全美以及国际学术界享有盛誉,强项是机械、化学专业。申请者需要提供高考成绩、高中成绩,英语成绩在125分以上,可免托福/雅思。  9、贡萨加大学作为美国西部地区的老牌名校,连续第三年位居全美百强大学之列。申请者的高考成绩需要达到本科线,且高考英语达到120分,就可以直录;高考成绩达到本科线,且高考英语满足110分,可以申请两学期的国际大一课程。  10、奥本大学奥本大学是阿拉巴马州的重要大学,学校的技术中心每年为阿拉巴马州完成数百个科研项目,产生数百万的经济增长,创造了数百个的工作岗位。申请者的高考成绩需要达到本科线,并且高考英语达到110分就可申请两学期国际大一课程,英语成绩在105分以上的可以申请三学期国际大一课程。
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美国留学哪些学校接受我国的高考成绩? ?美国对中国高考成绩的认可度不是很高,不过,也有部分美国大学可以用高考成绩来申请,比如:伊利诺理工大学、旧金山大学、杨百翰大学、新罕布什尔大学、圣托马斯大学、萨福克大学。通常情况下,如果学生没有托福/雅思和SAT/ACT分数,只要通过学校基础的英语水平测试也可以比如伊利诺伊理工大学,申请者只要高考成绩达到一本线,英语成绩在120分以上,即可免考托福/雅思和SAT/ACT。还有部分美国大学可用高考英语成绩替代托福成绩,比如:科罗拉多州立大学、路易斯安那州立大学、华盛顿州立大学、俄勒冈州立大学、伊利诺伊州立大学。了解更多留学问题可以关注工众呺【亮哥谈留学项目】寻求相关建议和信息,还可以免费领取留学资料包
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